Monday, March 15, 2010

Farewell...We'll miss you!

Last Saturday we bid farewell to Pn Azian a.k.a Numero 2...
My history with Pn Azian started waayyy back then when I was in DaimlerChrysler... we were not close then... we hardly even see / speak to each other because we were not in the same department or even the same wing.. so it was the occassional hi(s) and bye(s) in the the pantry.. at the coffee machine etc... but on her last day with DaimlerChrysler she came to my desk and asked if I were interested to join B*N.. did'nt think she was serious then... did'nt even think that I would hear from her again after that.... but ... she followed-up.. called..texted me... and finally asked me to come for an interview with the CEO...

Soon after my history begun with her at B*N... There were many people who came to me and said that she's a gory boss... but hmmm... I dunnola.... maybe if you don't perform and don't do your work properly then she has to be gory with you la to get the job done... but till today after like 4 years working with her I find her to be very OK.. to me, the Bank needs someone like her to change the working attitude, culture, environment etc in order to bring the Bank to the next level... and she has indeed done a lot for the Bank!

Her commitment and hardwork were both well-acknowledged which is why within 5 years she could moved on to be Numero 2 in the Bank diapit oleh Numero 3 and 4 who are both males... definitely not easy...

I wish you all the best Pn Azian... We will definitely miss you! I hope you're really staying home to bake and cook.... ;)

It should have been just the 3 of us.... picture would have looked better... did'nt have the heart to crop Kama's picture though... ;)

Yes, she cried..but this was not a picture of her crying... this was when we showed a clipping of her first appearance in Selamat Pagi Malaysia - with Mak Datin hairdo and bushy eyebrows!
The singing emcees - yes, they can sing and emcee!
The team with Pn Azian..

With Sally who did 2 really cool multimedia/video for the night!

Yes, yes... we all want to follow u wherever you wanna go after this... haha.. kidding..kidding..

Huhu..I'm ssoooo gonna miss you!

p/s: Her best advice to me ever : Emilia, no matter what happens don't cry in front of him! -this was when I had to face an ex-Senior Management member who is super duper garang and famous for quotes like "Someone will die today!"


  1. Emilia

    Must admit I was super B*** at times, but must say mellowed in last 2 years. So many people at BSN has taught me to be a better person, including you with your sunny personality despite the 'orribles that can happen.

    I am missing everyone....


  2. We're all missing u too and wondering how long you can tahan cooking..baking..gardening and lepakking at home! :)
