Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fruit diet..my toooot!!

The consultant had asked me to go on a fruit diet.

Fruit diet = u eat fruits ONLY aaaa...

Day 1
Breakfast : Pineapple
Lunch: Papaya
Dinner: Pineapple
Note: Eat as much as possible

Day 2
Breakfast,lunch,dinner: Watermelon
Day 3
Breakfast: Prune (not more, not less than 8 oz)! That's freaking a lot of prunes!
Lunch: Strawberries
Dinner: Baked Potato and green salad - acceptable because the prunes will make me go to the toilet 10 times so I need energy. (WTH?!)

Day 4
Breakfast, lunch, dinner : Green grapes
Why I need to go on a fruit diet?
- Pineapples and strawberries contain an enzyme called bromaline which interacts with and activate the hydrocholoric acid in my stomach to help burn up the fats.

- Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which interact with and activate the pepsin in my stomach to digest all the extra protein and surplus flesh (pekebende surplus flesh tu?).

I got so mad they gave me this diet when I have already stopped eating rice for 2 weeks that I went to the nearest Theobroma Chocolate Cafe and had a very thick chocolattie frappe + an ommelette (even though it was tea time) to calm myself down!
Would anybody in the right state of mind follow the diet religiously???!!

Fruit diet konon! :p


  1. so tak makan nasi for 2 weeks, ada improvement ke?

  2. Entah le...rasa macam ada..takmo timbang lagi..nak tunggu the big difference la konon..:) but I'm doing a whole lot of other things as well like aerobics,exercise,sauna..so tak taula which one is really contributing to the loss...
