Masa kecik cikgu tanya nak jadi answer has always been that I want to be a vet when I grow up. I'll be the only one in the class to have such ambition. My ambition was such because I love animals..I love them lah..but malas nak jaga.. just like to play with them.. my father really manja me when I was small so whatever pets that I wanted he would buy for me.. I had 2 tortoise (died after 3 months), a white parrot named Kiki (can't talk even after we put her in a dark room with a radio in there - no not torturing but apparently that's how u teach them talk) and kalau tak silap we bela about 20 cats! - All well taken care off by my father who sooo manja me lahh... :)
Bila dah besar sikit, I told my parents that I really want to be a teacher. Of course I got an outright NO from my parents who are both teachers (??!!)... My mom told me that yes, teaching is very noble but she would really want to see her kids grow up to be something other than a teacher. After finishing my SPM, I thought hard about what I wanted to do. I finally decided that I want to pursue my studies in only these 2 areas i.e Law ( I applied for a BNM scholarship for Law) and Journalism ( I applied for Mass Comm at UITM). One day my dad showed an advert for an Accountancy course in Uniten under TNB scholarship. He said try je la..for the sake of trying..lagipun it's like 15km from parents place. I applied for the sake of it and prayed hard that I won't get lah...
BUTTTTTTTT of courseeeeeee.... God had something else planned for me I guess... hence I only got a call from TNB..hence I took up Accountancy...hence I never liked what I studied and hence I spent every day wondering what the heck I was doing... expected, I was never in the Dean's list it was no mystery that I was not selected to join TNB.. (TNB scholars yang kena keje with TNB would say that this is a blessing in disguise) and of course I never even pursued a career in Accountancy... hehe..but I successfully made a career out of talking and is now in Communications. In between all these, I even had the thought to be a wedding planner. Seriously I did! I planned my own garden wedding which I thought was totally cool (masuk bakul angkat sendiri..hehe) sampai Jamie, my manager in DCM said that it's the best Malay wedding ever for her.

Flowers I did for my wedding
Japp...what was the reason and title of this posting? Ohh..Ok..The Wedding Planner..
Ok..reason for this posting..
2 important realizations came to me today.
1. After collecting and reading a 'special letter' - I can now be called a Communication Specialist. 2. After attending a 'special briefing' on a 'special ocassion' - damnnn...I still want to be a Wedding Planner. Hehe...yeah..I really do.. last Friday I passed by this one tol dekat Ampang and it had a big banner saying Eat, Wed, Love - Bali in the Soul of KL.. and i thought how nice it would be to be planning such wedding for a couple...hmmm...really this would be something I would consider doing if it so happens that I get booted out of my workplace.'s time to make another hard decision.
I am torn. At a crossroad yet again. Tomorrow is THE day to decide.
Still thinking.
So, we'll see where my heart lies.
Orange or Yellow?
Wedding Planner or not? :p