Thursday, August 6, 2009


A friend said rilekla..hari2 lagi ramai orang mati because of cancer, accident or other types of illness..why need to panic now? That's true. Hmm dunnolah..This just worries me. It seems to be spreading so fast killing innocent people as young as 3 years old? :(

A neighbour who is a pharmacist at one of the government hospitals told my mom that the hospitals have been crowded with people until they had to open a special counter till the wee hours. She's tired and also very worried to come to close contact with these people as she is now pregnant. Another neighbour who is a doctor is now being quarantined in his house for a week - he lost a patient to H1N1. My brother in law's office contractor, a 40 year old male passed away because of H1N1.

So really.. I could not care less about a street protest. Can the government please do something to curb the spread of the virus? Or at least don't be so vague about the whole thing.. i.e If the Minister had said that if we have a flu, don't take it lightly, because it could lead to something more serious then don'tla after that say do not be alarmed if you have a fever or flu and insist on throat swabs because it could be nothing.. huh????? Tak paham.. I've just recovered from a fever. I now still have a flu and just started coughing. The 2 kiddies now both have flu...a PA in the office has been having flu and cough for 2 weeks.. one of my staff has a fever, flu and should we all be running to the hospitals to check our conditions??

And when you say there is such a thing as a 'saringan' at the airports, I thought that would involve checking the temperature and all that. Not just filling up a form with personal details.

Don't just give us masks. We need to know. We need more facts. We need to understand.


  1. emm .. tulaa im very worried about this..
    yelaa takut kena kat our kids kn..the gov should be more serious n pls do something urgently.

  2. betul la jijie..makin teruk kes dengar citer ada suntikan utk cegah H1N1 ni (RM60 sekali cucuk)..sape ada info pasal ni? kalau betul, nak jugak pegi cucuk sebagai langkah berjaga2..risau la kat anak2..huhu

  3. betul! ckp mcm takde ape2.. tp dah 12 org mati... aku pun dah cuak nie.. :-(((
    hope u recover soon jiji! and your family too.. mintak2 semua dijauhkan dr penyakit ni.. amin.

  4. we had to close one of our branches in Cheras staff was infected and sent to ICU. The other 3 staff there were immediately asked to go to the designated govt hospital to check. Tapi till this evening tak dapat lagi jumpa dr because terlampau ramai orang so they were told to go back! (???!!!)

    @z - have not heard of the suntikan.. tapi dengarnya adalah suntikan to prevent from us getting influenza but not H1N1..

    Apparently in Brunei, they do sembahyang hajat..

  5. jiji hi...

    i wanted to send a post to your fb abt H1N1 but something is wrong with the server. just go to my profile and open a link dated aug 5 at 8:57pm.
    read the comments by dr roddy.

    reg tamiflu vaccine, it's not to prevent you fr getting H1N1 but to reduce the complications caused by H1N1 if you are infected. at the mo, it's only given to suspected cases with underlying medical problems / risk factors.

    you can also check the KKM official website for further info.
    nik ainul

  6. Thanks nik..tried to search for the link in your profile tapi tak jumpa..can you email to me please..then I can post it here for everybody's info..
