Thursday, September 25, 2008


Throughout the month of Ramadhan B*N gets some really good ustaz to come and give ceramah to the staffs. It is not compulsory to attend tapi many staff would take some time off to attend the ceramah. I have not been attending any of it until the last one today. I like the penceramah. I’ve been to one ceramah by him and he’s really good. He's the one who has enlightened me about the importance of breastfeeding...yeap..not a doctor..but an ustaz..He is Ustaz Abu Hassan Din.. ex-imam besar Masjid Negara and the famous Ustaz Harun Din’s, younger brother.

Of course I’m not gonna share the whole of one hour ceramah here.. but I just thought of highlighting few interesting stuffs that I’ve learnt from the ceramah and the questions asked by the audience..

1. Ustaz Abu Hasan Din’s grandson is 1 tahun 8 bulan and he can follow thru sembahyang Maghrib with him all the way.

2. Another grandson of his who is just 5/6 years old dah hafal ayat2 and already prays 5 times a day. Someone then asked Ustaz, how can he learn so fast and some more the compulsory age to start ajar anak sembahyang is 7 years old. So the Ustaz replied, if they should start praying by age 7 that means they should start learning to pray way earlier..

Apparently, Imam Shafie hafal quran at the age of 6. There is no special method in teaching his grandson but his grandson has been listening to him bila dia jadi imam since kecik lagi. That’s how dia cepat tangkap all the ayat. To him if a father prays, get the son/daughter to also follow and listen to the ayat. InsyaAllah cepat aje dapat.

3. A lady asked the ustaz, if perempuan yang uzur in bulan puasa how can she tambah her pahala when she can’t do much i.e pray, baca quran, tahajud etc. The ustaz said that a lot of times women would say that it is so rugi that they uzur because they cannot do ibadah in bulan puasa.. but perempuan yang uzur could actually be doing more ibadah than a husband who can pray and fast.. he asked the lady:
Q: who wakes up first in the morning
A: wife
Ibadah number 1

Q: who makes the food/dishes for sahur
A: wife
Ibadah number 2

Q: who wakes the husband up
A: wife
Ibadah number 3

Q: who takes care of the house when husband goes for terawih
A: wife
Another ibadah

So, he said as long as we’re sincere in doing the ibadah, then there will always be pahala. It’s not the quantity he stressed. It’s the quality of the ibadah.

4. Do you know that it is actually NOT wrong to sembahyang last minute i.e the famous 2 in 1 concept that I’m also guilty of. U know how we wait till the last minute to pray so that we can also pray for the next waktu. Usually it will be zuhur and asar.

Some people say it’s really wrong to do this. But according to Ustaz, it is not wrong tinggal of course it is not afdal lah…tapi there is a danger to it… he gave an example.. kalau perempuan yang saje tunggu last minute to pray skali pukul 4 dia period then she will have to qada’ the sembahyang because she was actually suci for a few hours of zuhur.. so he added, imagine if you die in between the waktu..that means u owe God one time prayer which you could never ganti.

5. You should pay zakat dekat kawasan u earn your income...i.e if you work in KL and stay in Seremban, then u should pay in KL. Not at the masjid / pusat zakat near your house. But he did'nt elaborate much on this. I've always seen cases where people would pay at wherever convenient for am not too sure..

Although the ceramah was really good I was on the verge of having yet another migraine attack so there were moments where the ustaz might have caught me dozing off.. I was seated like 4 rows from the stage.

Am thinking of asking my other half to pick me up and send me home but I've got too many things to settle. The Fortune magazine Q & As still not so complete and is due to be given to the CEO tomorrow. Got a Board photo session at 5.30pm today for 2008 Annual Report but this is something I am trying to mengelat attending anyway.

Here comes the migraine attack. Alamak cam nak pitam. Gotta lie down.

1 comment:

  1. MHI (TV3 morning talk show)during Ramadan will invite an ustaz/ustazah to discuss on relevant topics. One of topics discussed a few days back was on how to benefit from Ramadan if a person is uzur. Apparently,pahala orang uzur (in our case, para isteri) yang menyediakan makanan untuk orang berbuka sama macam berpuasa sebulan. So we are actually very lucky.I suppose I no longer dread if I have to be the first person up to prepare for sahur or sometimes cook for buka...
