Friday, September 5, 2008

Crazy traffic

Traffic in Ramadhan is truly a nightmare. And if it's a Friday it's just like Freddy Krueger meets The Exorcist. I punched out at 5.01 pm but got stuck waiting for the lift. I am at Level 19. Some people who think they are so smart would press both the going up and going down button so the lift would practically be full all the time no matter how early I am.

Basically the traffic will start at the lift. Then I have to fight to get out of the parking brutal enough to go to the furthest right lane once I get out of the gate. I almost got hit by a stupid Srijaya bus just now. The stupid impatient driver decided to make a u- turn over a divider because traffic was just crazy at the traffic lights. Takde otak siot. And of course KL is also full of drivers who think that they have the best strategy to get out of the traffic only to end up on the yellow spot and blocking all the other cars. Hellloooooo!! That's like a basic no-no okay..

To make things worst the not-so-smart tunnel was closed.

Today, I was in the car for close to 2 and a half hours! Reached home just in time for berbuka and was just too tired to even eat.

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