Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hong Kong.. Acheh.... can I survive?

Looks like it's confirmed! Got that phone call from GIFT today to confirm the details for them to arrange a flight to Medan and Acheh.

I have not gotten the full itinerary yet. But I was told that I'll be in Hong Kong for 7 days..and then off to Medan for 1 day as well as to take a flight to Acheh... I would be in Acheh for 7 days..

I'm excited but fairly nervous about this trip.. I know I would be miserable without the kiddies for 14 days --- no offence nyet..I would miss you too.. but I would go bonkers thinking about the kiddies.. not hearing Sarah say good night to me and having her cuddled next to me... or Amir calling himself my pipipipi (ni gelaran manja that he gives to himself when he wants to be like a baby)...My boss said that this would be when I would realize that the bed is actually huge without the kiddies... :)

And history has proven that I would just get homesick like madddd... when I went to Germany years ago, the minute I checked into the hotel I was already in tears and calling my parents at home...and I don't need to tell about my zaman tkc lah kan...

I'll be going with two men whom I've specifically asked to be my designated bodyguards. I dropped them an email today...

Hello my fellow travelling mates..
I know we are going for this program for the benefit of the Bank... but please promise me that we will not forget to have fun!
p/s: I nak jugak jejak kaki kat Disneyland!

I know that this would be a really good experience for me.. I mean..to be part of an actual project that will help the people of Acheh... how could it not be exciting and meaningful, right?

I just hope I'll survive the misery being away for home... tsk..tsk...


  1. wah..bestnyer...jiji have a nice trip n take care.

  2. jijie, nak fridge magnet 2 ketul..HK punye tau, bukan Acheh..hehe..nanti kasi acc no eh..

    p/s : 14 hari je.. kita ni dah 4 bulan.. sob sob sob

  3. Phoenix:Tks!
    @z:Ok..nanti kita carik..

  4. boleh ke shopping nanti kat hong kong? nanti kat medan ada chance ke nak jalan-jalan? pergilah ke pulau dalam pulau samosir kalau da masa...kalau ke acheh carilah satu orang bermata biru di kampung lamno..

  5. Anonymous:Tak sempat kot nak shopping..lagipun tengah pokai..hmm..kat Acheh I'll be in a cocoa plantation farm lagilah tak boleh nak berjalan sgt kot..
