Wednesday, October 21, 2009

TKC 90-94 Raya Rendezvous 09

Date: 17 October 2009

Venue: The Residence

I was late --- but I was not the last .. :p

I forgot the blueberry tarts that I took from my auntie all the way in Rinching!

But I guess it did'nt really matter anyway..because sape2 yang bawak kuih that day pun kurang laku coz everybody was into Rie's chocolate cake.. --- sorry Nik, it would be hard for you to sue a lawyer for false misrepresentation .. :)

I of course had fun catching up with the ladies..most of them I've not met in ages.. seriously! Like Dyiena (who would have won the best dressed award if we ever had one that evening), Ayu, Iza Airina, Sha memang last masa zaman sekolah lah kot..macam Ummi, I thought the last I met her was when she was stil Fida's housemate padahal dah dekat 7 tahun dia pindah..and it's good to know that there is a pediatrician in the batch -- GGee, I would definitely be haunting you after

Small group in a small room -- probably like hmm 20 of us -- excluding the men that we dragged to come along and kiddies that we were forced to bring... but being TKCian, bisingnya sama je macam hari makan nasik ayam kat dining hall... :)

With Fida Nor, Fiza (+ her'handbag') and Erlena

Fydd and her cute lil' son who had to leave early sebab tak bwak bantal busuk..

The group (- Fern)

With Umi, Ayu, Ggee, Erlena, Mona, Fad (preggy),Fida,Nik and Hida (not preggy this time)

Zett's designated PR officer for the evening with Parliament's PR officer

The organizer with the Queen of the evening!
* Pics courtesy of Zett's/Erlena's FB

Thanks Zett, for organizing the gathering this year and for years to come... ;)
p/s: Me thinks that our batch has got quite an interesting variety of profession --- paed, psychytrist,skin specialist,dentist,doughnut peddlar, tokei restoran Jepun, tokei petrol station..


  1. bestnyer.. jumpe geng2 lama.. ahaks.. jiji, that PR officer (yg rambut putih tu, yg sebelah dia aku tau la hubby ko..), itu bukan the newsreader tu ke? sape ntah nama dia..

  2. memang best edi.. yes, that's the newsreader..
    sape ntah nama dia (tak baik ko, kecik ati dia kalau baca.. :)) = Kelvin Ong

  3. yup, GG's been my unofficial paed since afreen is little. I always txt her for emergencies in the middle of the night. hehehe..

  4. yeen: D-Dee said the same thing..abisla Ggee pas ni kena layan I pulak.. :)

  5. oo fern takde ekkk... best tengok gambo gathering ngan kawan2 lama ko. Aku nampak Erlena.. hehehe. Tu je aku kenal.

    cop bleh tak aku nak kutuk ko..hahahha.. anda kelihatan tembam sket.. BUT dun worry berseri dr dulu okeh. Suit as a mother of 2.

  6. ja: fern+wan+all 4 of their kiddies came tapi kitaorg amik group picture masa diorang dah tengok anak2 dia pandai carik activity sendiri while the mother and father lepak...

    huhuhuu...tembam ke...aku makan banyak la ja raya ni...memang diet plan dah buang jauh2 dah..

  7. Zett's designated PR officer had a good time talking politics with Parliament's PR officer.

    And as for newsreading worries..retired a long long time ago; so no one should remember.

  8. HeadLiner: topic for next gathering - football
    (that is of course IF I can convince him again to be with a bunch of rowdy ladies) ;p

  9. 1. HELLO AUNTY who's just turned "21" today! when did Zetty commit to organising the gathering "for years to come" ???? ;p ;p

    2. who FORCED you to bring your kiddies? we were hoping for the tarts, but did you bring them? the least you could remember were your kids and the PR's officer, OK! ;p

  10. err.. nak jadi skin specialist kena ambik master in internal medicine or MRCP then ambik clinical dermatology. I nak ambik diploma in dermatology je sebab.... (isi tempat kosong).. hahaha.. so bila pass my dip. derm nanti, i bawah sikit dari skin specialistlah.. :P
