Thursday, October 29, 2009

A belated entry

Happy Birthday to me!

In the morning I got these..thanks Nyet for the lovely roses and Sally/Kama/K.Arida for the yummy famous amos cookies in a cool jar which I can put in my not-so-new-house..

In the afternoon I gave myself a good treat without feeling any guilt..

At night..sorry no pics of dinner at home with the family.. lupa nak ambik...

Over the weekend, the girls gave me a surprise b'day cake @ Azah's baby shower.. actually macam dah boleh guess ada the surprise cake because Ija's son, Daniel kept on saying bila nak makan cake... :)

On Sunday, I invented a new Italian dish --- Kerepek Lasagna! Sebab still tgh b'day mood I thought why don't I give my family a treat... so I tried out Nik's lasagna recipe (Nik makes really yummy lasagna, by the way)...tapi in the end we had steamboat for dinner...sebab lasagnaku walaupun baunya best and rasa pun sedap tak cukup moist from the bolognese sauce agaknya so jadi keras macam kerepek!

As for the b'day present...huhu...tak sampai lagi!!!

Thanks all, for the b'day wishes!


  1. happy belated birthday. itu choc ice cream ngan strawberry? yum yum.. mana belon dan topi birthdaynya? time potong kek yg best tu.

  2. rie pun sure tak ngaku dia buat kerepek lasagna tu kan ;p

  3. Anonymous: aiyoo...dah tue ler nak pakai topi birthday... haha.. itu the best ever chocolate chip molten cake kat Chillis! Yummmmyyyy!

    fidanor:tapi aku rasa kalau aku amik rie jadi promoter lasagna aku, orang akan makan sampai licin...

  4. Jiji,

    oklah tu.. bau dah ada, rasa dah ada... just lebihkan kuah next time. make sure 'banjirkan' the lasagna sheets ngan the bolognese sauce.. if you tak nak lasagna you terbakar, cover ngan aluminium foil dulu for the 1st 20 minutes. :)

    rie mmg boleh jadi promoter yang berjaya.. :P

  5. jijie..besday kita kira dekat2 la ye..camno tak perasan ni..anyway, hepi belated besday la eh..

    posmen tak jupe alamat umah tu pasal present tak sampai lagik... ;)
