Friday, October 16, 2009

Calling all makciks --- Metrojaya Shopping Fest is back!!!!

I shopped like a madwoman yesterday!

Thru FB I found out that there was a Metrojaya Shopping Fest at Mid Valley exhibition hall. After attending NSTP's Open House at Hilton KL yesterday I thought what the heck..I might as well drop by and check it out.. My MAIN OBJECTIVE was to find stuff for the new house (yang dah sepatutnya tak boleh dipanggil new lagi).

But when I stepped into the hall .... I was greeted by clothes from Laura Ashley and Liz Clairborne at 70% discount!!! EIC were all at 50% .. Somerset Bay 70%.. Gile siot! I guess because it was the first day not that many people knew about the sale.. although ramai it was kinda okay..I did'nt have to fight my way thru a throng of people or wait for ages for an empty fitting room... salesgirls were also damn helpful..siap tolong angkat baju and carikkan fitting room yang kosong..Masa time carik2 baju I did'nt see the household punya area.. I could only see signs put up for Cosmetics and Fragrances..Shoes..Handbags...

Sekali bila sampai kat area Household, lagila cam psycho! Almost everything at 70% discount! Like where on earth could you get a nice piece of stoneware plate @ only RM 5! Or glassware that they use in hotels at RM 17 bucks!!I as if la I'm gonna be doing much cooking or serving for dinner parties and all... tapi I could not help myself. Sampai mangkuk yang tak tau untuk serve apa pun boley rasa nak beli just because murah and shape dia cantik..I ended up buying 3 bakul besar pinggan mangkuk okay ---- was telling myself not to feel guilty because new house memang takde pinggan mangkuk pun..takkan nak bagi guests makan dalam daun pisang lak ---

Since I came alone, cam sakit kepala la pikir camna nak angkut all the stuff.. siap tanya one sales assistant to help me and I'll give tip..tapi sales assistant kata takleh tolong.. last2 kat cashier counter the girl in charge there was soooo nice to me...she said that it's impossible for me to carry all the stuff so siap arrange for a trolley to be sent up to the hall and 2 guys to help send the barang2 sampai kereta..bila nak jalan keluar tu siap bukak special lane lagi tu....

I tell you....

Kalau dalam movie Pretty Woman, there's Julia Roberts stylishly shopping away at Rodeo Drive, but I was like a 'Pretty' Makcik clad in baju kurung with one hand pegang bakul plastic and the other hand carrying Metrojaya's gigantic sling bag. Some more with 2 skinny 'bodyguards' tolak trolley sampai my red Ferrari.. errr.. I mean, my dad's supercool red Proton Saga.. hehe..

Go check out the sale peeps! It ends on the 19th of October but I can bet you before the weekend sure banyak brg dah habis punya...

p/s: Saw Datuk K and Datuk Siti at NSTP's open house. Siti is back to being cun...and Datuk K..(don't say that I'm gross) I think he's pretty good looking laa...


  1. Aku leh imagine cemana ko bershopping.. kakakka. Sbb sorang lagila syok. Kalau bawak anak2.. mungkin 1 plastik jer.

  2. JI, make sure bila da masuk rumah 'baru' tu, panggil we all makan... serve dalam pinggan mangkuk baru you tu and masak dalam periuk yang rega dia beratus tu ...hahahah... kalau nak resepi, i bole bagi ... just name it...

  3. ja: betul2..kalau ada the kiddies sure tak dan punya nak try baju ke apa...
    hagemaru: boleh je..tengah semangat ni..rasa cam hari2 nak gi umah tu tengok pinggan baru.. ;p
