Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am going to the movies after 2 years!

When I told my other half that Numero Uno is getting an invitation to attend the exclusive viewing of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen by Petronas..he went yang gempak sangat..invitation to watch a movie..

Well it so happens that Numero Uno can't make it (not that I think he would be interested to go pun because ada 1 ticket je!).. so I'll have to be the rep to go..

Maybe it's just a sign from ngada nak pegi kelas poco-poco.. ni amik tiket Transformers... :)

Well..memang takdela gempak mana kan... but considering that I'm going to the movies after 2 years.. (Can you believe that? Me who used to be a movie buff dah 2 tahun tak pegi tengok wayang!!!) and looking at segerombolan manusia yang sanggup beratur sampai kat luar TGV tadi just to get the tix.... hmm...boleh la jugak nak digempakkan....

And yes... ironically the last movie that I watched was also Transformers!

My thoughts would be with the kiddies but I'll most definitely try to enjoy it!


  1. Aha! You've missed your poco2... Ei I'm just wondering kalau you dah terer poco2 ni bole la join PUS... I. Ni mau you punya pms naik melambung2 ...

  2. PUS for me as yet!At the moment, I enjoy being the 'pemerhati'... :)
