Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bizzy Body

Really, I can't tahan the stress of trying to squeeze myself into my pants. Last week I can't even fit into a new kebaya which had followed the exact measurements of my not so old kebaya which I have not worn for quite some time. If I can't fit into these I may have to start wearing maternity pants and outfits!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I've been getting bz with my body!

On Monday I went for my first treatment at BizzyBody Pavillion..frankly I didn't really go and do proper research of all the slimming centres before signing up even though I very well knew it would cost a bomb..make that B.O.M.B .. It was just because of an article I read in Marie Claire magazine about living a healthy lifestyle and the ad that BizzyBody put up in there.. it just looked convincing enough to me.. when I checked out the place at 7th Heaven, Pavillion , I was actually very impressed with all the outlets there i.e Mayfair, Slimming Sanctuary, Thalgo, New York Skin Solution that I felt like signing with all of em'! But I had already made up my mind to go to BizzyBody.. tak taulah kut dia ada pakai pelaris.. :) but I guess what convinced me the most is the fact that BizzyBody is the only place which would give me a guarantee.

I have heard of so many negative stories about slimming centres.. but what the heck! I'll just go for it lah.. at least I have something to look forward to.. my first treatment was not that bad... but to me it was pretty funny lah..kan kalau kita pegi spa we would get all these remarks like waaa... you have nice body lah.. mother of 2? I thought you're still not married.. padahal body cam flabby nak mampos.. ni kira strategy to get you to go to their spa again la kan..

But when you go to a slimming centre where you have already paid upfront before the treatment you'll get remarks like haiyaaa..Emilia..what have you been eating?? Your cellulite..Oh my God! This is stage XXX cellulite already u know.. do you take a lot of salt? drink coffee.. haiyaa.. cannot one... I didn't know whether I would want to cry or laugh.. so I was giggling all the way... my 'consultant' first put this particular oil all over my body.. she claimed that the oil could pecahkan the fats faster..bau memang very aromatherapy kind of bau.. tapi mula2 tu pedih gile beb.. rasa macam lumur cili atas badan... and then she took a plastic wrap and wrapped my body... so it was like panas and pedih.. pastu she took this machine and massage my body with it.. masa massage tu baru rasa macam best.. siap boleh tertido lagi... but then my 'consultant' told me that the first and the next 10 sessions would be painless.. tapi next 10 after that would be damn bloody painful... I asked people cry aaa (because I already felt like crying thinking bout the pain) she said not cry laa.. but they would scream really loud! Aduss.. takotnyer...

First session was just about 45 mins.. and after that my 'consultant' sat down with me to talk about my eating habits and as expected the diet regime that I have to follow. Here's my diet for the next 5 weeks:


Eggs - Scrambled, Soft/Hard Boiled/With Onions/Prawns/Tofu
Shell Fish - Oyster, Clam, Squid, La La, Shrimp, Lobster, Crabmeat
Meat - Beef, Lamb, Bacon, Ham, Sausages
Fish - Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, All fish
Fowl - Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Goose,
Cheese - Cheddar, Cottage Cheese, Butter (not margarine)
Beverages - Water, spring water, diet soda, ice tea with equal, fresh full cream milk, soya withtout sugar, herb team decaf tea
Salad Herbs - Basil, pepper, vinegar, garlic, rosemary, soy sauce, salt
Salad vegetables - Lettuce, cucumber, alfafa sprout, celery, mushrooms, olives, grean leaf veggies

* Dinner is best taken between 5.30pm - 6.30pm where digestion is still good. After 7.00pm absolutely no carbo should be taken.
* Snacks can be taken 3 hours after main meal if the next main meal is more than 6 hours.
* After 8.00pm, no solid food should be taken; only liquid food such as milo (with no sugar), milk, etc can be taken if hungry.
* No more drinking after 10.00pm: the body will store water thus resulting in bloating, edema, puff eyes, face and eye bags the next morning.

Cam siot kan... takleh nak enjoy makan.. but so far I'm still okay with the regime.. tinggal malam tadi takleh tahan tengok donut so I ate one...satu je okay... slalu I can eat 4!

I'll start going swimming again.. And I'm also going to all the exercise classes which they have at B*N after work... Monday & Tuesday - Aerobics, Wednesday - Poco-poco. Cam klakar la plak rasa nak pegi poco-poco tarian ala makcik2 Indon rambut Afro that my mom likes to watch... today would be my first and hopefully not the last.. :) dengar cite they don't play the oldies songs la.. semua cam very upbeat..hip hop pun ada..

Knowing the "hot hot chicken shit' badi that I have, frankly I don't think I could last even 2 weeks being so damn diciplined with the diet regime and exercise routine.. huhuhu.. but I'm determined to go all out la..

So, lepas 3 bulan ni kalau tak jadi yummy mummy cam Heidi Klum or cun cam Nasha Aziz tak taula.. :p

Huish..lamanya rasa 3 bulan... kalau 3 hari ke..3 minggu ke..kan best...

Wish me luck babes..


  1. Muahahahha... Jiji. Aku cam impress gak la ngan course diet ini. Siap aku bleh baca food menu yg ko tulis kat atas tapi mcm.. mak aiii.. pengsan la aku. Tapi nak kurus punya pasal dan yang penting lawa gitu.. kena la sanggup. It means.. no KFC, MCD, Pizza and all those fast food la beb. Better la ada food menu yg dia kasi than diet our own yang bleh tak makan nasi sampai setahun.

    Good luck Jiji.. smoga berjaya.. :)

  2. ye..cukup tersiksa sebab aku memang suka makan... 'consultant' aku kata, makan KFC boleh.. tapi makan for dinner and jgn makan kulit ayam tuh... kulit tu yg nikmat ye tak.. :)

  3. yummy-mommy-to-be : I dunno why u r doing the Bizibodi stuff - u r definitely not BIG! but anyway, Good luck! U'll miss all the food! hehehe.. kang ada orang sabotaj anta KK camna? hehehe... put up pix before and after to prove later, k?

  4. Diet is to block all the new fat at the sametime get to know what kind of food that your body cant handle or i would can't digest well.


    all the best!!! you can do it!!!!

  5. yeen: I am not just BIG but HUGE kat certain areas! Yes, I'm already going mad not taking coffee!

    Anonymous: Thanks! :)

  6. Sudah slim apa pun boleh makan la...:) important is to train yourself not to over eat mah!!
    Body kamu punya, kalau kamu tak sayangnya, siapa boleh tolong?

    Good Luck!!!

  7. Anonymous: Yes, I know.. but very hard lah.. I love eating too much.. but so far I'm still following the diet... :)
