Thursday, June 25, 2009

At Our Heart

The new corporate TVC will start airing tonight! Am very excited about it.. tapi cam syok sendiri pun ada gak .. :)

I would like to have a soft launch of the TVC in my blog.. So, guys, here it is..I present to you.. B*N's 60 secs corporate TVC - 'At Our Heart'..

Let me know your thoughts about the TVC okay!

And sape boley spot anak Ija dlm ni memang terer! :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am going to the movies after 2 years!

When I told my other half that Numero Uno is getting an invitation to attend the exclusive viewing of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen by Petronas..he went yang gempak sangat..invitation to watch a movie..

Well it so happens that Numero Uno can't make it (not that I think he would be interested to go pun because ada 1 ticket je!).. so I'll have to be the rep to go..

Maybe it's just a sign from ngada nak pegi kelas poco-poco.. ni amik tiket Transformers... :)

Well..memang takdela gempak mana kan... but considering that I'm going to the movies after 2 years.. (Can you believe that? Me who used to be a movie buff dah 2 tahun tak pegi tengok wayang!!!) and looking at segerombolan manusia yang sanggup beratur sampai kat luar TGV tadi just to get the tix.... hmm...boleh la jugak nak digempakkan....

And yes... ironically the last movie that I watched was also Transformers!

My thoughts would be with the kiddies but I'll most definitely try to enjoy it!


I shall not go on and on again on yet another successful event handled by my team nanti ada yang kata perasan bagus.. but really how can we not be perasan when after the event this is exactly what Numero Uno said to the team and those involved:
"Guys normally after an event I would call everybody to tell you the mistakes..what you've done wrong..and how to improve..but tonight everything is just perfect..our Chairman was very touched..Numero 3.. Emilia.. and the team.. you all have done a very good job"

Terkembang la kejap kan... worth it la beli baju batik baru ala mak datin pastu tak tau bila lagi nak pakai... but whatever it is I hope everyone was just as pleased with the whole event... and for us, despite the compliments I pray that we would still be as grounded and tak terlampau perasan bagus.. :)

Yeah..back to the topic of a farewell..

We bid farewell to our dear Chairman last Friday night..he is the longest serving Chairman for B*N.. he came on board at the age of 39 in July 1999..
I think what I'll miss the most about Chairman, would be his speeches and his anecdotes.. He can give really good speeches off the calf.. will always have funny anecdotes even in meetings.. he's great with the media.. tak leceh / cerewet.. very knowledgeable.. despite what's out there in the papers about him and the political scandals that he's in.. to me, it would be hard to find a replacement who is equally good and nice..

The Marquee @ Carcosa

The VIPs..

It amazes me that even that night he could give a very moving speech off the calf..

We had a Western dinner...all served course by course.. Tapi minum cordial la bukan wine.. :) Some said that it also marks a transformation for B*N yang slalunya kena makan masakan Melayu for a dinner function held at a 3 star hotel..

The team together with Chairman + wifey, Numero Uno + wifey and Numero 3.. note that next to Numero Uno (girl in green) is not his wifey..she's just there because she's the shortest among us all.. Chairman kata tulaa.. kecik2 degil takmo minum susu... har har.. see..funny anecdotes..
And we showed this before singing Auld Lang Synd ... i've cut out some parts because the file is too big.. when it was shown on the big screen the team cringed because of a minor 'hiccup' that only we knew.. time tu macam tak sabar je nak tunggu video tu abis.. but the rest, I was told was moved to tears... the ladies la.. not the men..

Farewell..good luck and all the best to you, Dato' Seri Chairman.. (like as if u're ever gonna read this blog.. :) )

Bizzy Body

Really, I can't tahan the stress of trying to squeeze myself into my pants. Last week I can't even fit into a new kebaya which had followed the exact measurements of my not so old kebaya which I have not worn for quite some time. If I can't fit into these I may have to start wearing maternity pants and outfits!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I've been getting bz with my body!

On Monday I went for my first treatment at BizzyBody Pavillion..frankly I didn't really go and do proper research of all the slimming centres before signing up even though I very well knew it would cost a bomb..make that B.O.M.B .. It was just because of an article I read in Marie Claire magazine about living a healthy lifestyle and the ad that BizzyBody put up in there.. it just looked convincing enough to me.. when I checked out the place at 7th Heaven, Pavillion , I was actually very impressed with all the outlets there i.e Mayfair, Slimming Sanctuary, Thalgo, New York Skin Solution that I felt like signing with all of em'! But I had already made up my mind to go to BizzyBody.. tak taulah kut dia ada pakai pelaris.. :) but I guess what convinced me the most is the fact that BizzyBody is the only place which would give me a guarantee.

I have heard of so many negative stories about slimming centres.. but what the heck! I'll just go for it lah.. at least I have something to look forward to.. my first treatment was not that bad... but to me it was pretty funny lah..kan kalau kita pegi spa we would get all these remarks like waaa... you have nice body lah.. mother of 2? I thought you're still not married.. padahal body cam flabby nak mampos.. ni kira strategy to get you to go to their spa again la kan..

But when you go to a slimming centre where you have already paid upfront before the treatment you'll get remarks like haiyaaa..Emilia..what have you been eating?? Your cellulite..Oh my God! This is stage XXX cellulite already u know.. do you take a lot of salt? drink coffee.. haiyaa.. cannot one... I didn't know whether I would want to cry or laugh.. so I was giggling all the way... my 'consultant' first put this particular oil all over my body.. she claimed that the oil could pecahkan the fats faster..bau memang very aromatherapy kind of bau.. tapi mula2 tu pedih gile beb.. rasa macam lumur cili atas badan... and then she took a plastic wrap and wrapped my body... so it was like panas and pedih.. pastu she took this machine and massage my body with it.. masa massage tu baru rasa macam best.. siap boleh tertido lagi... but then my 'consultant' told me that the first and the next 10 sessions would be painless.. tapi next 10 after that would be damn bloody painful... I asked people cry aaa (because I already felt like crying thinking bout the pain) she said not cry laa.. but they would scream really loud! Aduss.. takotnyer...

First session was just about 45 mins.. and after that my 'consultant' sat down with me to talk about my eating habits and as expected the diet regime that I have to follow. Here's my diet for the next 5 weeks:


Eggs - Scrambled, Soft/Hard Boiled/With Onions/Prawns/Tofu
Shell Fish - Oyster, Clam, Squid, La La, Shrimp, Lobster, Crabmeat
Meat - Beef, Lamb, Bacon, Ham, Sausages
Fish - Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, All fish
Fowl - Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Goose,
Cheese - Cheddar, Cottage Cheese, Butter (not margarine)
Beverages - Water, spring water, diet soda, ice tea with equal, fresh full cream milk, soya withtout sugar, herb team decaf tea
Salad Herbs - Basil, pepper, vinegar, garlic, rosemary, soy sauce, salt
Salad vegetables - Lettuce, cucumber, alfafa sprout, celery, mushrooms, olives, grean leaf veggies

* Dinner is best taken between 5.30pm - 6.30pm where digestion is still good. After 7.00pm absolutely no carbo should be taken.
* Snacks can be taken 3 hours after main meal if the next main meal is more than 6 hours.
* After 8.00pm, no solid food should be taken; only liquid food such as milo (with no sugar), milk, etc can be taken if hungry.
* No more drinking after 10.00pm: the body will store water thus resulting in bloating, edema, puff eyes, face and eye bags the next morning.

Cam siot kan... takleh nak enjoy makan.. but so far I'm still okay with the regime.. tinggal malam tadi takleh tahan tengok donut so I ate one...satu je okay... slalu I can eat 4!

I'll start going swimming again.. And I'm also going to all the exercise classes which they have at B*N after work... Monday & Tuesday - Aerobics, Wednesday - Poco-poco. Cam klakar la plak rasa nak pegi poco-poco tarian ala makcik2 Indon rambut Afro that my mom likes to watch... today would be my first and hopefully not the last.. :) dengar cite they don't play the oldies songs la.. semua cam very upbeat..hip hop pun ada..

Knowing the "hot hot chicken shit' badi that I have, frankly I don't think I could last even 2 weeks being so damn diciplined with the diet regime and exercise routine.. huhuhu.. but I'm determined to go all out la..

So, lepas 3 bulan ni kalau tak jadi yummy mummy cam Heidi Klum or cun cam Nasha Aziz tak taula.. :p

Huish..lamanya rasa 3 bulan... kalau 3 hari ke..3 minggu ke..kan best...

Wish me luck babes..

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm back!

I've been getting comments asking why I've not been updating my blog.. sorry to dissapoint those who think that I'm away on yet another adventure because I'm still very much in Kajang... :)

It's just that...

- I took some time off to be with the kids and be a kid just like the kids...
- I've been an important event to handle tonight..
- I just didn't have the mood to blog..
- I realized that I have a lot of moolahs left .. so I was occupied being vain + spending my moolahs away by 1. registering into a slimming centre 2. buying skin care products 3. indulging in good food (i know this most definitely contradicts with item 1 and my detox program)
- I was in pursuit of happiness.. have not been quite myself.. or maybe I was just being me.. yes,yes, I'm still confused.. I need help..I know..

I brought the whole jim bang i.e 4 nieces, 1 nephew, my 2 kiddies and the grandfather who volunteered to be the babysitter to Doodlebug to join the art class.. I squeezed everybody in my beloved Waja all the way to KL.. all were excited bout the class tapi bila sampai all were more excited with the trampoline and the playroom! :p

At night we had our own art class session in the room to keep the kiddies occoupied... this is Amir building his sandcastle..

And this is Sarah squashing Amir's sandcastle...
Who would have thought at the age of 30 going to the zoo would be fun but it was pretty cool.. didn't expect zoo negara to be jam packed with people because of the 'rave reviews' about the condition of the zoo and animals there but surprise! surprise! there were damn bloody a lot of people that day!
And actually the condition of the zoo was not that sad la... okay what... kalau ada binatang yang muka toye or died for no particular sickness, it's probably because Malaysians just could not understand simple instructions like 'Don't feed the animals' and feed them twisties or the likes...

Sarah can finish a bottle of vitagen in less than 40 secs!

Well, the time off to be with the kiddies was fun..and I had a good break..
I've got a couple of events this month so I may have to leave the kids again...gotta be in Penang next weekend for a CSR activity... The puspanita makciks are organizing a trip to Bandung... I really wanna go.. asked the fairygodmama and she said an outright NO sebab phobia gile malam2 sarah susah nak tido if I'm not around..thought of bringing sarah but again I got an outright NO sebab takut virus H1N1..
Anyhooo...tonight we officially bid farewell to our Chairman... after 10 years with the bank his tenure ends this June.. my team is coordinating the event at Carcosa... I'm soo looking forward to the makan part! hehe

Friday, June 5, 2009


Sometimes I am really amazed at how terer people are at office politics..

A Phone conversation with a Senior Manager (SM)
SM: Kat mana?

Me: Kat office.. naper?

SM: Eh ko ada contact ngan org RTM kan?

Me: Naper?

SM: NUMERO UNO CALLED ME..he said that he went for the rehearsal of (function which I cannot mention here) and RTM was there.. so he wants the footage of him receiving the (award which I cannot mention here)..can you get from RTM?

Me: I'll try lah.. gotta check first...

SM: Ok..nanti ko bgtau aku la..

Me: Ok..nanti aku bgtau..

After making a few calls and getting all the info..I texted SM.

"Checked with RTM..footage boley dapat..tapi kena write in to Pengarah Hal Ehwal Semasa.. do u want me to proceed?If yes, I will discuss with Numero Uno's PA"

The reply:
"Pls proceed"

A Phone Conversation with the PA

Me: Akak, tadi SM called me and told me that Numero Uno wants footage of the function tomorrow..

PA: Ha-ah.. eh jap..jap..takpe2..u habis citer u dulu

Me: Yeah.. so I checked and we can get it but kena write in.. I'll draft the letter and forward to you later.. so, what's your story?

PA:ACTUALLY YESTERDAY I CALLED SM..coz I was not sure to ask from who (about the footage).. then he immediately said that he has got contacts with RTM..I asked him again sure ke.. if not I'll ask Corp Comm or whoever else to help.. then he said me do it..I ADA CONTACT KAT RTM..

So in the end who gets the glory for settling the matter? Who ends up doing the letter and following up?

I've also many many times get caught in a situation or more specifically a discussion whereby the other party (in an attempt to show how important they are/close they are to the top mgmt) will end each and every sentence with "tu yang aku discuss ngan Numero Uno" or "Numero Uno ni slalu pakai idea aku" or "aku selalu balas2 sms ngan Numero Uno"..

Frankly, I’m not much of a political player at work. Never knew how to be one. Even if I try I would fail miserably and it would just be detrimental to my carreer and reputation. But I’m cool with that–at least I can do my work efficiently (to me) minus all the craziness, go back at 5.30pm and sleep better at night. I assume that the 'politicians' also sleep well…but they would not be singing the theme song from Thomas The Train before they go to sleep..instead they would be busy planning their next strategy to get noticed or maybe praying hard that there would be a call/SMS from Numero Uno so that the next day they can say .. " Ish..malam tadi aku dah nak tido tapi Numero Uno call/SMS aku"..

For as long as I can remember, my that ingredients to succeed would be to stay authentic and indispensable (for all the right reasons) i.e the followings:

1. Stay outta politics. I have enough things to worry about - susu anak cukup ke tak.. minggu ni Huggies diapers ada discount tak kat Tesco..langsir rumah bila nak pasang..staff kat office merajuk macam mana nak pujuk.. missed deadlines sape nak jawab... etc So to be the Barack Obama in the office will not contribute to my overall productivity and efficiency.

2. Be a chameleon, Be a Julia Roberts - I don't pretend. I strive to be me at all times but if there are certain situations that require me to change/act/adapt then I'll do it to fit in better. I see no harm in this.

3. I'm not Ms Rigid, I can flex and bend - Rigidity to me is just a shield that people use against others to hide their weaknesses. I don’t assume I’m the smartest person in the room especially when I've a Chief Clerk who has been with the Bank for 30 officer who probably knows 70% of the staff in the Bank.. generally I take the opinions of others at face value. Evaluate em' and make my points heard as well.

4. My work speaks for itself - Granted that my work, as in not all of em' are great. But good enough to make myself and my team indispensable.

5. Love - I think my staff loves me!! ehehehee.. takdela.. but yeah I do think that the most important is the support that I get from my staff.. who the hell am I without em, right? And yes, I love what I do. I love the field that I'm in. If the day comes that I feel like I want to be pregnant and take MC for 2 months rather than go to work, then that's the time to pack my stuff and move on to a greener field.

Okay wait..Before I go on and on giving examples of how I use my so-called ingredients to get ahead, I do ask myself these questions as well:

1. Do bosses like people who stay all night to get work done?
2. Do people who put together great presentations usually get ahead?
3. Who are the heroes and the scapegoats?

Yes, I know.. I know.. I think too much sometimes. But hmm... what's my point for this entry again?

Well, in general, I think office politics is no longer relevant. In the short-run, yes you'll be heard. Be very visible. But in the long-run, you could end up looking stupid.

Why want to pretend got contacts when you don't have contacts? Name-dropping for what?

So to me, personal branding is the way to go. I don't strategise that much. I maneuver. I identify what my strengths are and elevate these strengths into personal branding nirvana... chewah.. That's how I'll get the satisfaction to work and the passion to continue producing good stuff. When Numero Uno says that my team has done a good job, that's worth more than 20 of his smses/calls!

Glory?Glory? For what? Sebab tulah Barca menang...
teehehe..lari topik lak..

Have a good weekend peeps! Am taking leave next week to spend time with the kiddies!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Activity report

Actually I feel so tempted to blog about the Akhil Hayy-Maizawati-Waheeda love triangle and the Manohara-Kelantan royalty sadistic love fairytale... But who the hell am I to be commenting on these people la kan... Just an outsider who only knows the story from what has been splurged in the gossip columns of the local dailies.

Tapi sebab gatal gak nak cakap... can I just ask these Qs:

1. Is it really right for a husband who leaves the wife and kids without any
news for almost 4 months already to be saying that he does not understand why his wife would leave the house without his permission and go to the media? Would he rather let his doting wife and innocent kids go insane at home waiting for him to come back?

2. And this other woman..what should we be calling you.. when you go out to watch a movie and bersandiwara with someone else's husband and now ada ati nak threaten the wife pulak?

3. Why would a mother bring her then 14 year old daughter to a gala dinner and ever so willingly introduce her to the then 28 year old prince who had said that he wanted to be her daughter's 'friend'? The daughter should be at home watching High School Musical or Hannah Montana or tak.. kecik2 dah kena macam kena pimp..

4. RM 3000 sebulan je ke kalau kawin ngan anak raja??! Baik keje kat B*N.. dah lebih kurang sama je ngan gaji kerani kanan..sian kena jual kuih lak..berapa sen agaknya kuih yang Manohara jual kat Istana tu ye? :) I not gonna be like any Kak Pora and be kepoh about the celebs' love life...

What I've been up to?


The TVC production is already at the final stage!So far I am very happy with the outcome. And it makes me and my team even happier when Numero Uno is very very very pleased with the outcome.

I've learnt a lot this have had the opportunity to be part of the whole production process.. from the the offline stage..voice over recording..soundmix..offline stage..editing..and this Thursday we are all going for the online stage at the Videolab where we will view the really final TVC that will go on air before the end of June.

This is us at 2AM Studio with Fauziah Nawi. She did the voice over for the TVC.


I have not been taking care of my health at all. Sebab baru dapat bonus and everybody is in the mood to blanja makan, I've been eating and eating and eating.

So over the weekend after looking at all my latest pics and trying very very hard to fit into one track bottom and one jeans, I've vowed to go on a strict detox and diet program...I'll try to discipline myself at least for a month and see how it goes. Bought myself this particular green tea for slimming which I'll have to take 1-2 times a day. I only take once a day because if I take it twice I would literally be camping in the loo.


Hubby has a new ride. As in a new car. Not a new ride in the rapper kind of way... Last weekend I finally had the chance to drive it for about 10kms... :p Maybe when he goes out station.... hmmmm..... I think the kiddies deserve to go for a holiday.. but both father and mother are just too busy to take leave.. so holiday = spending our Sunday at the new house watching DVDs or let them do whatever they wanna do there.


I took up a Sellcom broadband package.. I thought Macksis was bad.. but my Sellcom is not that reliable either! Bengang giler..kejap2 takde line..dahlah the broadband mahal because I bought at Menara Sellcom and not from any Ah Seng or Ah Beng at Low Yatt!

Anywayyysss, I think I need a break too. Thought of taking 2 days off next week and take Amir to Doodlebug one of the days. Macam best je the activities that they have for kids there. Sarah, the cranky and moody baby will of course kena tinggal kat umah..unless she starts to really behave!

This is my not-so-interesting activity report. I shall blog sumore if my Sellcom line improves. *sigh*