Me: Really? *smile* *smile* *smile*.. where to? *dalam hati: Brazil ke for the Conference that Numero Uno is attending?*
Mr B: Jauh jugaklah..
Me: Mana tu? *smile* *smile* *smile* (excuse the excitement.. the fartherst that I've been to with B*N is Sri Lanka okay and that was 3 years ago! :p)
Mr B: You have to go to Song next 2 weeks for a site visit before we launch the new branch..
*Panggggggggggggggg!* Mr B kena lempang! Okay, I would definitely do this if I have the same remote control as Adam Sandler's but fortunately for Mr B, I don't!
Yup.. that's my life as a konon high-flying corporate lady lar.. when people like Ija goes to Europe or the very least Singapore every other month..or Sho-on who gets to shop for cool stuff in Dubai when she goes out-station..or Yeen who for an assignment gets to stay in Washington for a month and now resides in Singapore..
Me.. I've to go to places with the names like Kampung Tekek, Changkat Jering and Song! What the.....!!!
I'm sure most of you would know where Changkat Jering and Kg Tekek is right... so let me just educate you about Song.. firstly, just because these names are as weird as Kandooma and both would involve travelling by boat..please do not put a mental picture in your head that these places actually look like Kandooma where you could possibly find dolphins and mermaids in the clear ocean.. :p
Song is a remote town in Sarawak. It is just by the infamous Sg Rejang, the longest river which probably is haven for crocodiles. To get to Song, I have to take a flight to Sibu and then go on a 2-hour express boat ride crossing the Sg. Rejang. (2 hours, express???)
Sent an email to an officer to get more info about Song and this is the skema reply that I received:
Puan Emilia,
Jumlah penduduk yang tinggal dalam radius 7km dari pekan Song dianggarkan lebih kurang 20,000 orang. Ini termasuk perkampungan Iban dan rumah panjang di sepanjang Sg Rejang dan Sg Katibas. Daripada populasi 20,000 orang ini, hanya dalam linkungan 3,000 orang sahaja yang bertumpu di pekan Song. (oohh great.. I'll make it 3001).. Song hanya mempunyai jalanraya berturap sekitar 7 km dari kawasan pekan menghubungkan kampung dan rumah panjang. All the best, Puan!
Okay, this is what you should have as a mental picture:
Me braving through the longest river (crocodiles included in the package) clad in my B*N F1 shirt because it's an official visit..mingling with the locals whom I was told only speak Iban language.. sleeping in the Rumah Panjang when I can't even survive in a dodgy hotel in Perak..
Sheessshh.. sometimes I wonder.. aku ni in banking ke Discovery Channel? what I do and where I go could actually put Asha Gill the Travel & Adventure host to shame..mannn!
Yeah..this is true patriotism at work, eh.. tanggungjawab sosial for the nation..this is what the people of B*N do for the communities in the country.. when all other banks dare not even go there because for obvious reasons that it would not be profitable, we have to do it because in actuality we are the people's bank.. So, lepas ni before you even open your mouth to complaint about B*N, think about what we've done for your monyang, datuk, nenek, mak, bapak, pakcik & makcik kat kampung..
I guess I'm not a high-flying..jet-setting corporate lady.. for the time being I've to just settle with being an express-boat setting one lah!

huhuhuhuhu... speechless sat. Good Luck Jiji..
ReplyDeleteBtw.. changkat jering tuh dekat rumah aku kat tepen. heheheh. aku kat pokok assam. :P
ReplyDeleteHhhmmm.. takpe.. Jiji.. ko pi SONG pun maybe lps tuh ko akan suke. Adventerous beb. Tingat ko pi BTN hari tuh. Syok ape.. Tapi kalau aku jadi ko pun.. terpaksa la kan.. mcm keje kat VM dulu. muahahhaha.
nak kirim buaya 2 ekoq..untuk wawa & lala.. :D
ReplyDeleteja:Bila sebut Kg Tekek aku mesti teringat bos kesayangan ko dulu..sikit2 Kg Tekek.. sampai nak muntah dah Ezali kena ubah page pasal Kg Tekek 300 kali..hahahaha
ReplyDelete@z: Baik kirim untuk bapak wawa & lala..teman dia masa main game, tengok TV ngan layan Facebook! ;)
ahahahaha...biar buaya tu ngap dia terus!! tak insap gak tak tau le... :D
ReplyDeleteehh aku tak tau pasal kg tekek. ada citer disebaliknya ke?? boss kesayangan aku ke?? muahahaha.. boss kesayangan laki ku itu. (harap2 dia tak baca.. kakakkak)
ReplyDelete2. Everytime the Ibans say something to you, just reply "Apuh Kiak Kiak!" ... you'll be their champ in a jiffy, guaranteed!
3. Song is off the Rejang river which is full of Bujang Senang the Notorious Croc!
4. Kandooma - it isn't a weird name for heaven on earth OK! - needs a B*N branch too, just like Song - what kinda name is SONG????
As a Sarawakian, let me tell you a few unknown facts.
ReplyDelete1. Yes it is in the Kapit division of Sarawak, on the banks of the Katibas river...where HUGE native-eating crocodiles are born..just dont dip your feet in the river from the express boat.
2. Song got its name from the fact that the people there wanted to distinguish themselves from the other tribes so they spoke in a sing-song voice.
3. A good Sarawak Laksa coffee shop is the one which is near the jetty.
4. The town has a football stadium which can fit 30,000. Strange as the population is below 25,000.
5. A common superstition among the folk there is to know each corner of the bed 3 times before you go to sleep. ( Trust me you dont want to know why).
6. Ask Zah if u need more info.
Have fun and remember when in doubt yell "Nyak yah !!!"
HeadLiner: Tks for the 'much-needed' unknown facts which should just be left unknown!!
ReplyDeleteAngelita: Tak baik tau.. I was so supportive of your Kandooma trip.. :p
Well okay.. the S'wak laksa shop I need to know!
ReplyDeleteGosh! I really don't know how on earth I'm going to get a caterer to cook for 300 people for the branch opening!
Emy..Good Luck..huhuhuhu....
Alamak ! at number 5 i meant "knock" NOT "know" !
ReplyDeleteweh aku pun ke serawak jijie next week..tapi bukanla SONg least bando sket ah ke Miaw miaw a.k.a kuching.uh aku duk imagine betapa boring nyer.derang kata malam memang dead.mean..after working hour layan tido la yer?noja-
ReplyDeleteSUPPORTIVE of my Kandooma trip?????
ReplyDeleteKandooma vs SONG?????
H-E-L-L-O!!!! ;p
noja.. Kuching kira okay least ada Marrybrown fast food paling gempak kat Sarawak.. hahaha..
ReplyDeleteEr..MarryBrown..kamek di Sarawak sik suka.
ReplyDeleteIts SUGAR BUN all the waaaayyy !!
ReplyDeleteYeahla..silap..not's Sugar Bun! It's at that shopping complex next to a hotel or something.
This post is really hilarious *LOL* Bila lagi nak tengok the real crocs the past asyik bumped into human versions jer..enjoy the trip and dont forget your discovery channel pix!!