Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our lil' sweethearts!

I was about to blog about my event in Perak.. but then I got tagged in FB by Kapak Tajam, hubby's friend who was our official photographer for Sarah's and Amir's b'day...

So I just can't resist putting these pics in my blog! I really have to thank Kapak for taking really cool pics of the kiddies! This is especially for those who missed the party!

Kudos to Kapak Tajam, the photographer! And of course to mama and babah for producing such cute babies! muahahahahahha!

p/s: But they say, good looking babies come from ugly parents?? :p


  1. olololooo comelnya dua beradik tu....rugi tak datang kalo tak, bleh amek gambo ngan dorang...

    jijie, awat tak conteng muka babah dia skali? kih3..jangan marah noooo.... ;)

  2. Aku rasa Yaya mcm muka ko la Jiji... kan kan.
    Amir pun cute.. Syok bila depa membesar nanti. Dah la umur dekat2.

  3. Nice pictures! Anak2 comel2 belaka sama mcm mak dan ayahnya.

  4. Cutenya the children. Suka sangat tengok the photos. Pandai la the photographer ambik the candid photos.

  5. Thanks peeps.. I hope they don't grow up too fast! :)

  6. so... will i have good-looking kids too???

    no, before we even go there... how on earth can i get gorgeous babies when i don't want to go thru the beranak part???

    case closed.

  7. Case closed?? Yeah..yeah... we'll see.... ;)

  8. Sweet & very nice
