Friday, December 26, 2008

A friend indeed

If you have a friend name Afida Nor Said, trust me you'll never be bored!(Fida, if you're reading this, I'm putting your name in full for easy googling..hehe). I finally managed to catch up with Fida Nor on Christmas eve. No pics as I've forgotten to bring my camera... :p so I'm putting the most recent pic I've of her.. during our Raya reunion..

(me, fida and jett)

We're friends since I dunno.. Form 4 kot... Before that we knew each other lah but we were not that close.. She was not my best friend..and I am not her best friend either...but.. we are to each other kawan mengadu..lepas geram..ngumpat..gossip..until forever lah.. after college we went our separate ways but 2-3 tahun sekali we meet gossip..and usually it will be about the same people pon.. hehe..

Had so many things to talk about sampai 2 jam pun tak cukup. I should put her on speed dial. If I need a 'pick-me-up' session, she will definitely be in my top list.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How cruel...

OMG! What has the world become??!!!!! These people don't deserve to live.
I hope the government would be more strict and serious to fight against

This is just very sad.

Dua beranak nafsu haiwan
Oleh Ahmad Saufi

BUTTERWORTH: Bernafsu haiwan adalah perkataan paling sesuai untuk dua beranak, termasuk remaja lelaki berusia 16 tahun yang ditahan polis selepas disyaki menodai seorang bayi perempuan baru berusia 20 bulan.Kejadian itu hanya disedari ibu bayi berkenaan apabila pulang ke rumahnya di sini kira-kira jam 11 malam Jumaat lalu apabila melihat bayinya menangis begitu lama.

Sebelum itu, sumber berkata, wanita berusia 32 tahun yang bekerja sebagai juruwang itu meminta ibunya mengambil bayinya yang ditinggalkan di rumah pengasuh kira-kira 50 meter dari rumahnya.Katanya, wanita itu kemudian mendapati bayinya menangis dengan kuat apabila dibawa pulang ke rumah, tetapi dimaklumkan ibunya dia mungkin demam.“Wanita itu yang tidak berpuas hati kemudian memeriksa dan mendapati ada kesan darah dan luka pada bahagian sulit bayi perempuannya.“Dia kemudian terus membawa bayinya yang menangis dengan kuat tidak berhenti-henti ke Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ), di sini. “Hasil pemeriksaan doktor mengesahkan terdapat kesan koyak pada kemaluan mangsa.

Bagaimanapun, keadaannya kini dilaporkan stabil dan masih menerima rawatan di HSJ,” katanya.Berikutan itu, ibu mangsa membuat laporan polis.Ibu kanak-kanak itu yang enggan dikenali, berkata dia tidak menyangka kejadian berkenaan boleh berlaku ke atas bayi perempuannya.Menurutnya, dia menghantar anaknya ke rumah pengasuh berkenaan sejak 14 November lalu dan menjelaskan bayaran RM150 untuk bulan pertama.“Kejadian itu memang di luar jangkaan kerana tiada siapa memberitahu perangai sebenar lelaki berkenaan. Dia tergamak melakukan perkara itu ke atas bayi saya,” katanya.Sementara itu, Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Seberang Prai Utara, Superintendan Mohd Sukri Awang ketika dihubungi mengesahkan kejadian terbabit.

Menurutnya, polis sudah menahan seorang lelaki berusia lewat 30-an dan anak lelakinya pada Sabtu lalu untuk membantu siasatan kes berkenaan yang dibuat mengikut Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan.“Kami masih melakukan siasatan berhubung kejadian berkenaan,” katanya enggan mengulas lanjut.

Missing the DC days

The last time we got together and really sat to chat and catch up with each other was probably 3 years ago..that was in Hartamas and with the whole gang..Shirl, Midge, Fat,Amir, Najib, Louie, Judd, Michelle..After that we rarely kept in touch especially after the few of us left DC..and Fat had to be with MB in Pekan. So, I really looked forward to seeing Fat today. She came down from Kuantan and we decided to meet up for dinner. Judd joined us as well. Too bad Shirl was in Melaka.

Fat (in pink) is by the way a mother 4..eldest daughter taking SPM next year...youngest son is 6 months old.. and she still has a body of a 20 year old okay..

Had so much fun catching up with them.. although balik2 cerita sama jugak actuallynya bila jumpa.. gave myself a curfew konon sampai 9pm aje..but only reached home at 11.00pm.

Frankly I really miss working at DC..with the DC team and all..working culture is very different...truly enjoyed working there. Some people still think that I was crazy to have left DC.. if I had stayed I would probably be driving a B170 MB by now..inila kereta Corp Comm Manager DC skarang... tsk..tsk... but it's all God's will la kan.. rezeki kat mana2 pun ada..

Monday, December 22, 2008

New house

We're starting yet another new chapter in our life.. we're basically co-owners of a new house in Bangi.. if all goes well and we have enough moolahss then we would be able to move in some time early next year... already hubby has spent more than he's supposed to for renovations.. we initially wanted to just do some simple renovations..but then our neighbour had to have a house which is Anjung Seri and Impiana material lah pulak.. so we decided to spend a little bit extra.. No pics as yet lah ye.. Let's wait untill we at least have the doors and windows fixed and I'll post some pics...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our cuti and day out

We had a full-day agenda.. starting from breakfast till dinner.. I guess because we squeezed everything in one day we did'nt manage to have some quality time together.. but we had fun nonetheless!

The spa experience was not that great.. sho-on and azah said it was ok..but I dunno.. felt kinda kwa and dodgy to me.. soo0 not the spa experience that I expected... and trust me I don't have that high of an expectation..tapi decor boleh bagi A- lah... still bila tengok lama2..ada jugak the dodginess...

We decided to do something different that day.. so we arranged for a group photo shoot with prettypeektures..we were all like super kayu okay! Our 'warming up session' consists of laughing at each other's kayuness and telling the photographer to make sure that we all look slim in the pics no matter what it takes! hehe.. Min, the photographer was really good.. he has shot wedding pics for Bunga+Ashraff, Ning+Omar and Aishah Sinclair+hubby... we've yet to see the edited versions of our pic.. I'm just giving a preview of the unedited ones..

Photo shoot took about 3 hours.. but Min only charged us for 2 hrs.. I think we got a good bargain from the package that was on offer..if you guys are interested to take some wedding/family pics I can pass his number to you.. he took nice family pics as well.. you can view his portfolio at

Had a quick dinner at Las Carretas.. already tired by then.

Reached home at 10.30pm and Amir+Sarah were already asleep.
Girls, I think for the next outing.. we better not do so many things at one go kan..

Well, hopefully we can catch up again at dinner before Mama Mia!.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A day off

I'm looking forward to my day off this Thursday.. me and the gals will all take a day off on Thursday to spend the whole day together.. we've got a few things lined-up for's been really hard to plan for the day... nak cuti bila pun dah berapa kali discuss/tukar.. hopefully it will all be worth it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sorry, I am a wreckless driver...

My hubby had an accident like 2 months back..his car was hit somewhere in USJ and was totally wrecked.. because of that we were car pooling to work for a bout 3 weeks.. and in that 3 weeks he gets agitated easily when I drive which kinda irritated me because I think he was just traumatised because of the accident lah.. I thot my driving was just okay.. well, no major accidents so far lah kan..

But like they say, accidents are bound to happen.. especially to an egoistical driver as moi'...

I hit a man last Saturday.. a man on a bike pulak tu..

I was leaving Kajang to go to Ampang for a Kenduri with Amir and my mother..but at a junction just a few kms from my house I hit a young chap on a motor bike.. seriously I thot I had looked left and right so when I heard the loud sound I thot I hit a big rock or something.. if it's not because of my mother who told me that there was someone lying on the grass, I could have been categorized as a hit and run driver okay!

Not until you yourself have experienced it..I don't think you can ever imagine seeing someone sprawled on the grass by the road side..with his motor bike nowhere to be seen.. his bags and stuff all over the place.. thank God he was still alive!!! Thank God he could move.. thank God there were people who stopped not just to look but to help us out.. it was my mom's first accident.. so she was panic like crazy.. mom's first few words were "Call la Nasa mintak dia tolong" .. and my first few thoughts pulak.. No Nasa! No Nasa! = no nagging about my driving in this lifetime! But of course I had to call him la kan.. takkan Amir pulak nak jadi hero to save the day.. although dia perasan dia Superman and Ultraman..

Brought the guy to the clinic..In the car he was telling my mum that yesterday dia jatuh motor, chasing a peragut.. he managed to catch the peragut.. haiyaa.. I had to hit a good samaritan who was already in pain lah pulak..while telling us all this he was whimpering..his back was in pain..apparently sebab masa dia tercampak tu terkena kat divider.. so at the clinic we told the dr to have an x-ray and all that.. Nasib baik tak ada apa2..

Hubby settled everything with the guy..we paid for all the bills..medical and motor bike.. nasib baik he chose not to report.. hubby said it was obviously my fault..even if I had looked left and right and was driving slow and the guy was speeding, he was from the main road.. so I'm supposed to stop..

Hubby said I don't look like someone who feels guilty about the whole thing..siap lepas tu boleh keluar drive pegi beli satay and balik rumah baca buku cerita.. that's me still trying to control macho..but in reality I had a turmoil of emotions: I felt stupid+guilty+scared+traumatised+thankful to God.. banyak lah..

Anyway, apart from the emotional and physical damage.. all in all it costs us about RM 500... bestnya.. dah la end of the month pulak tu kan..but what is 500 bucks as compared to a person's life and me ending up in jail kan....

Huhuhu.. I am full of remorse.. I'll be a Sunday driver from now onwards.. especially if I come to a junction..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happenings @ B*N

Bila dah year end nih.. B*N is full of must-haves events.. last week we had the annual fire drill --- must be done to satisfy the local authorities punya requirements.. today we had the korban --- tradition in B*N..

For this year, I made sure that I do not have to go down the flight of stairs from the 19th floor! I did that back in 2006 and memang sempot 2007 I managed to escape because I was pregnant.. ni perks yang tak boleh dijual beli bila pregnant.. :) this time around I suggested some people from my team to be in the so called Emergency Response Team.. so confirm dapat 'soalan bocor'.. fire drill was quite happening with Bomba, Ambulance, Police, pelakon2 paksarela B*N.. of course we had hoped for some Abang2 Bomba ala Nicholas Cage lah kan to save us bila ada fire..

Khai was damn funny.. pelakon paksarela who menjiwai watak abis.. can play dead like real only..

I probably should not have worn pink because..

Out of the almost 1000 people standing there yours truly was called to the front to do some demo with the fire extinguisher!

I heard from the committee that B*N almost got a 'Fail' from the consultants.. apparently too many like yours truly knew about the fire drill and dah siap2 turun and was just either pretending to go to the loo or ATM machines at the lobby... hehe

This morning I attended the korban..this is my first... I was initially pretty skeptical to go because just like Zett.. I know I'll go like "Kesian the cow" in my head.. and I don't think I can tahan if I see the cows struggling for life or making some horrible sounds..

But surprisingly all the cows were very calm..macam redha ajer.. like they know they are going to heaven.. There were about 7 cows.. I did'nt see the first cow but apparently that was the only cow yang sruggle sikit sampai bengkok tiang lampu kat situ..

Seriously I did'nt know that sambil sembelih they will all takbir together.. maybe this had calmed all the cows...

The Puspanita kakaks and makciks all masak together-gether..

The outcome..

Soup for all the volunteers...

Daging korban for all the clerical staff..

I had lunch at Secret Recipe.. today's special was Aussie Beef Steak.. err.. some other day maybe .. I had the usual BBQ Chicken.. ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Madam Cenc loves least for the week lah

Yup..u got that right...Madam Cenc loves us...
US=The team in Corporate Affairs who has gotten used to being the anak tiri..yang kalau dalam movie slalu kena dera cuci pinggan, baju dan jamban...

My guess is she had gotten praises for the event that Al-hamdulillah, was a success -- both opening and closing! Despite having to listen to her membebel about how not safe it was when the helicopter masuk kat bawah bumbung stadium during the closing ceremony punya gimmick...she was grinning and smiling and laughing till the end of the closing ceremony...

(We tried out a helicopter show for the gimmick... didnt have any rehearsals the day before because it was raining heavily..I was super anxious..super worried and seriously rasa nak terkucil throughout the show)

(The Corporate Affairs team with Tn Syed, owner of Hot Gears and his team yang kena basuh close to an hour after the show by Madam Cenc. I laughed when Tn Syed told me he thought when Madam Cenc came running to him after the show, she was going to congratulate him..sekali kena basuh sampai lunyai)

But her sms to me that nite = Priceless!! This is the first time ever that she had said thank you to us!

"Emilia, thank you for coordinating everything very well. I would like to invite you n the corp affairs team out for lunch next week. Well done."

And this whole week langsung tak ada kacau me and my 2 hour ridiculous reports to be done..we are all in her good books..

(Lunch @ chillis.. Tengokla muka diorang muka nak mengenakan dia je masa bayar bil..:))

(Madam Cenc tak cakap cheese.... tapi saaaaaayyyyannnng Corporate Affairs...hehe)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My resolution

I finally got a new pc! I was using the dino years type of pc yang gemok dan lebar and lembap macam siput babi..

Bila dapat PC baru ni rasa macam semangat pulak nak mengemas meja & bilik... so my resolution for this week is to throw out all the unwanted boxes..dead roses..papers on my table..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monkeys or Reformists??

Gerakan Reformasi Rakyat Malaysia (Reformis) menubuhkan skuad berani bogel bagi meneruskan hasrat untuk mengadakan demonstrasi tanpa seurat benang setelah permohonan permitnya tidak dilayan polis. Presidennya, Ramlan Abu Bakar berkata, anggota skuad itu nekad berbogel di khalayak ramai di majlis-majlis yang dihadiri Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Menurutnya, ia akan dilakukan sekiranya tuntutan supaya kadar kenaikan sewa kediaman Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) dikaji semula, tidak dipenuhi kerajaan negeri.

Beliau berkata, pihaknya memberi tempoh sehingga 12 Disember ini untuk Abdul Khalid memberi jawapan dan jika tiada maklum balas, demonstrasi itu akan diteruskan. "Reformis pada 13 November lalu memberi tempoh sebulan kepada Menteri Besar untuk nyatakan bentuk tindakan yang akan dilakukan bagi mengatasi masalah sewa PPR di Selangor. "Kalau tiada sebarang jawapan daripada Menteri Besar sendiri pada 12 Disember ini, kita akan isytihar perang bogel terhadapnya mulai tarikh itu," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di luar Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Shah Alam di sini hari ini.

En. Ramlan, Mr Reformist President... I don't see your name in the list of Cleo's Most Eligible Bachelor or the very least Hero Remaja.... So please... unless you go for a quick plastic surgery in Thailand or eat some tonic that could give u a hot bod... for the love of God.. do not torture us with something that would end up in youtube for all the wrong reasons!

Monday, December 1, 2008


I was bored..I experimented..seriously I live in the cave with the Flinstones.. I've just discovered that I can send pics from my hp to my lappy via bluetooth.. :p

anyhooo..while browsing the photos in my hp I realized that I snapped so many pics of the two brats sleeping..

macam innocent je bile tido kan..

and I have so many pics of Amir..everywhere..wearing costumes pun ader..

dalam kereta..

in my office..

as a tiger..

perasan Superman..

Got very few pics of little Sarah..mostly atas katil..sian dia..slalu kena tinggal..

and even fewer latest pic of hubby... hehe..soweee.. well, he does'nt have that many pics of me in his hp either..

And none of my pic - alone - taken by me. I wonder how some people can take tonnes of pics of their own self siap berbagai-bagai make-up theme & pose2 ala2 ayu & manja -- close range sumore -- and have like 200 of em posted in FB... o well.. when there is demand .. there will be supply..
anyway, I can't help but smile looking at the pics..brought back memories..and frankly as much as I enjoy motherhood..I can't imagine if there is another addition anytime soon! Hida, I salut u! ;)