Monday, November 24, 2008


Finally! D event which would practically determines my KPI for the year is over! Forget about the other 20 events that I've organized so far.. if I suck at coordinating this one..then it's PMS 0 for me with a bonus of Madam Cenc hounding me for the next 10 years babeh!

Before the event I was worried as hell.. this is me waiting for 2 kontinjen yang tak sampai2 even though Menteri dah 5 minit lepak kat holding room.

Solemn -- bacaan ikrar to kickstart the event...

B*N's kontinjen.. we won the perbarisan.. kena boo like crazy! Frankly I didnt think we deserve to win either..but we probably won because we had the cunnest Ratu Placard.. hehe

Kudos to B*N's Polis Bantuan..kawad gempak giler and received standing ovation.. I heard they practiced day and night to make sure that it's all perfect..

One of the highlights.. These kids are just superb.. they have even performed in Italy and Taiwan.. Amir totally loved em.. now almost everytime nampak lap top he asks me to pasang the video of these kids main kompang... so nyet I think he does not want to be a footballer nor a kickboxer.. dia nak main kompang okay!

Officially launched!

Phewww..baru boley lepak...

and smile for the camera... hehehe

our very tired looking cameraman who was pestering me to blanja satay.. :)

I think this had to be by far the most pening event.. not because it's such a biggie.. but because it's just so tiring to layan the requests of the big bosses who are concerned about their big bosses at the Ministry... I'm very thankful that I had good people in my team.. of course adalah jugak bickering among us but it didnt compromise our commitment to ensure that the event is a success.. lepas kena blanja makan satay after the event sume orang terus okay!

Of course..there's still the closing ceremony on Saturday that I have to think of.... But I think it's less of a headache than the launching... :)

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