Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Just happy

Monday, November 24, 2008
Before the event I was worried as hell.. this is me waiting for 2 kontinjen yang tak sampai2 even though Menteri dah 5 minit lepak kat holding room.
Hi Babah! Some news from home..
Not sure if you have time to read this amidst your busy schedule.. shopping..facebooking... etc..
How you doing? Best ker Chiang Mai? Banyak aweks ke? Datuk ngan nenek kata aweks kat sana tak cun... I jauh lagi cunnnn... muahahaha..
Anyway, just to let you know that we're all okay.. kunit until today ingat you pegi beli vitagen tak balik2 lagi.. hari2 ajak pegi mall but I don't have the time ler to bring him around this week.. Last Sunday ingat nak bawak dia jalan tapi sian plak kat datuk ngan nenek nak balik kg tapi takde orang nak bawak.. so, kitaorang pun gi balik banting.. luckilly Kunit was in a good mood throughout the day.. happy giler dapat kejar kucing kat rumah Uncle Bahari..
tengokla muka 10c kunit ni.. tak larat giler nak layan dia merengek mintak dukung..
Yaya is okay too.. skarang kalau nak bagi dia senyap memang kena bagi makan... yesterday she experimented and for the first time managed to duduk sendiri.. tapi position cam lawak sket.. ari ni konon nak try lagi tapi tak boleh.. malam asyik terjaga and blasah kunit.. since saturday kul 5 pg je dia bangun.. I was so damn tired on Saturday after the event and she woke up at 5 to play! Today tak dapat lari from office and bring her to see Dr Asmuni..maybe tomorrow night.
Since you're not around, takde orang nak tolong kunit bila kena blasah dengan yaya..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Flowers for me?
What have I become?
So then.. I thought if I'm no fun to the kiddies.. then I'm no fun to my friends..hubby..colleagues etc? What have I become? Madam Cenc in the making? Madam Cenc pun buat Qi Gong pagi2 pukul 5 and go to theatres or movies..
Truth be told.. the last time I probably did anything remotely interesting for myself would be the teambuilding program.. sad aint it?
Hobbies..interests.. of course I have! I love watching movies..TV..used to read a lot..enjoy hanging out with friends on Friday after work..do lunch with ex-collegues..go to facial or spa treatments at least once a month.. go swimming.. But now do I have the time, partner, friends to share hobbies and interests= 0..zilch..nadda.. I bought Dina Zaman's book like 3 months back but I'm still at pg 30! The last movie I watched was Transformers?

I guess this is why I've become someone sceptical..moody..jealous..easily irritated..insecure.. whatever else lah.. and seriously I don't like it at all! If this goes on I can't imagine what I'll turn out to be in the next 5..10..20 years.
Who should I blame for being this way but myself.. yeah...with family, kids, work I can always complaint that I don't have the time.. but if I really want to surely something can be done...compromises must be made..so from today onwards I will start making some changes to myself.. my routine..my life.. I refuse to be uninteresting.. I detest being lame and boring..
I'll start small.. like today.. I kemas my car before going to work.. decided to dress up extra..not the usual B*SN's standard of makcik2 dressing.. pakai bedak and sikat rambut betul in front of the mirror instead of just kelam kabut kat dalam kereta.. :) and it made me feel good..lunch will be with an old friend later.. I thought I'll try something new with hubby and kids as well.. even if it looks as if I dah buang tebiat.. :p
Not sure until when I can keep this up.. kadang2 I'm also prone to be "hot hot chicken shit"... but something good is always worth trying right..especially if it's for the better!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
It was hubby's b'day yesterday. With the kids, work and busy schedule..we hardly have a time on our own except for the last couple of weeks because we had to car pool since his car is in the workshop.. so, I kinda acted on impulse and thought spending some quality time together just the two of us would be a nice surprise gift. But of course since nama pun acted on impulse I didnt quite do my homework right. To think that in my resume I can boast that I've been handling events for the past 5 years...when comes to planning own event, hancusss..
Lessons to learn:
5. Not everyone is a romantic idiot like you.
4. Consider that he could be dead tired having to work till late night. A good rest is what he needs.
3. Consider what he likes. This surprise should be all about him, not about you. If you can't find a common ground, choose something he'll love.
2. Make sure he's got time off. Especially when planning a stayover. Even schedule for the next day matters.
1. And most importantly : Make sure he's the type who loves surprises. No point if he is not, right?!
Somehow despite being together for what... 10 years already.. when it comes to buying him something it has always been something not quite what he wanted.. So in future to lower the risk of feeling like an idiot.. for the next coming birthdays/occassions I should probably just stick to giving him gifts and of course anything to do with Barca will never go wrong.. :p
Monday, November 10, 2008
Day 2 - Jungle Trekking
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Expect the worse and you'll get the best!
You know when you were small if you had to go for any trips i.e camping ke visit to Dayabumi (those days punya version of klcc) ke.. you'll be like all excited to go back and tell about your trip to your parents or your best friend kan.. Already in the bus you'll be thinking of the things that you want to tell them with that smile on your face. Well, that's me after I attended my team building thingy... yup that teambuilding that I had dread going.. It turned out to be by far the most exciting experience ever for me this year! (Okay childbirth does not count ya...that's in the league of its own).. had so many things..stories..wounds..bruises to share with a human but I guess I have to accept the fact that at my age I've gotten the concept of a best friend all wrong and well, when competing with You Tube, Facebook or whatever else you have on the net now I'll lose even if I've had a near-death experience.
But okay..whateverlah..I've chosen Mocha Ice Blended and Blogging to be my 'clear button'..and since it's ridiculous to drive to the nearest Coffee Bean at this hour, let me blog and be syok sendiri and share this with something non-human instead..
Seriously I had thought of so many ways to escape from going.. but nasib baik in the end I decided to just go and get it over and done with. So on the 8th of Nov 08 there I was attending my Dept's teambuilding at Gesau River Chalet.
Total number of participants:44
No of person to avoid throughout the program: 1
My groupname: Enggang
Groupcolour: Orange
Location: Gesau River Chalet.. an Orang Asli settlement in Perak with no phone coverage but surprisingly with Astro for you to catch MU vs Arsenal that night
Mode of transportation: B*N's very handsome looking new bus
Depart: supposed to be by 7.45 am -- team leader all semangat to give everybody a call at 7.40am.. but someone overslept and arrived at 8.20 am.. actual departure time was 8.30am
Day 1:
This is us before departing... All looking excited and happy for the sake of photo-taking..and of course kenalah baca doa dulu..
Arrived at the first check-point at around 10.00am..bus left us to go back to KL.. from there we were told that mode of transporartion would be a lorry which looked like it had been ferrying Mexicans to cross the border for the past 20 years, one Pajero with aircond, one Pajero without and one small lorry with no roof.. Initially me and a couple of people were asked to go in the airconditioned Pajero together with Madam Cenc.. I declined profusely of course and was all set to go up on the lorry.. tapi tiba2 Madam Cenc went all Mother Theresa and nak naik lorry okay.. so of course we all ran to the nearest transport that we could get our hands on...and it so happens that the nearest one was the airconditioned Pajero..hehe.. thank God we took the Pajero..it was a bumpy 10km drive on a tanah merah i.e takde jln tar so you can imagine how dusty it was..pass a kebun pisang..a jungle..tiny bridge which looked like it could only fit 2 motorcycles..and a waterfall with big rocks!
After lunch I was already damn bloody nervous.. it was time to go for white water rafting.. we all had to kumpul again and be trasnported to Sg Slim..this time I was not so lucky..waited for the Pajero that never came..last2 kena naik lorry together with Madam Cenc pulak tu!
The head navigator named Bai..I think he's orang Asli..but he spoke in Malay with Kelate accent and English with American accent.. he scared the living daylights out of everybody okay! Kept on showing us the many ways that we could fall...how the boat can terbalik..and the best was about this really dangerous and deep jeram called Jeram Kotak which kalau sape2 terjatuh kat situ memang chances of people saving you would be so damn slim..the only way to survive is to save our own self. Time ni even mamat2 sume muka macam nak nangis okay.. One particular guy kept on trying to influence some people to chicken out. But too bad lah..once there..memang no turning back punya!
Bai has a hot assistant named Tess..when we were going down to the boat..she caught me termenung and asked me if I was worried..told her that no laahh.. not worried..I'm just scared as hell and feel like shitting bricks right now!
I was in the boat with Khai, Eddy, Shidah and Nasha..our navigator were 2 orang Asli named Limau and Sukorei.. so much for Madam Cenc trying to group us and get Khai yang terror sports to be in her group...last2 Madam Cenc punya group sume pompuan except for a guy which a girlie name--Suri..navigator pulak Bai.. Check out the photos! Mula2 chehh.. gelabah tapi boleh senyum lagi..after about 1 hr of screaming in the boat we reached Jeram Kotak.. all the boats had to be lined-up to pass through the Jeram..when it was our turn I was already bloody scared and was super determined to just not fall from the boat! pastu out of all the boats, ours was the only boat yang got stuck at the Jeram Kotak!!! Rasa ada lah dekat 5 seconds I was breathing water.. I was scared as hell! Before we got stuck there, it was almost as if our boat will hit the very big batu at the Jeram!
After passing thru Jeram Kotak it rained heavily and the water was pretty violent. We were in the river for close to 3 hours. Body was aching like crazy.Hands swollen because I was pulling the tali to make sure that I didnt fall.But I seriously had fun!Guess I was also so lucky to be in the same boat with Khai, Shidah, Eddy and Nasha..sumer kecut perut and nak terkucil sebenarnya tapi boleh buat lawak lagi atas boat.