Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Media Fiasco!

Today I was summoned to see Numero Uno TWICE! No..no..it's not about The Prospect..It's actually for all the wrong reasons...kes boley kena potong markah adalah...

I got a call early morning to inform that Numero Uno is pretty unhappy with an article printed in an English publication today. Some figures were incorrect. A particular statement had a negative connotation. The article was based on an interview that we had arranged for him last week. His very first interview with the local media.

I was of course baffled as I've reminded the reporters to send their articles to us for vetting to ensure that the figures and statements are correct. Already told them I won't be changing wordings in the article but merely incorrect information/figures, if any.

Ellloooo.... I know la it's not your policy..must get clearance from your Editor and all that.. but if you had agreed to my request, please enlighten me again why the article was printed before we get to review it? Do you not care that you should be reporting the right figures/facts especially when you are from the Business Section of a noted publication and not merely printing pictures of celebs wannabes frolicking at the pool proudly showing of their 'lurah' for URTV or Mangga!

So, of course my ass was on fire. I was summoned to do damage control. I was told of Numero Uno's 'wrath' as a repercussions to the whole media fiasco. So, the level of nak terkucil when I had to see Numero Uno was just beyond imagination. I had cold sweats all over. I was stalling as I went up the stairs. Siap baca Bismillah 21x pastu sembur kat pintu dia..I swear!

BUT surprisingly he was OK! Told me to just make sure that a proper clarification be printed tomorrow.

It was just a 5-minute thingy at the smoking section..I guess the blurry look on my face was too obvious so he asked.. "Why? What's wrong?".. Pardon me.. I had too much of roti pisang and dhal this morning which had affected my level of intelligence... so, the words just came out from my mouth .. "I thought I nak kena basuh lagi setengah jam"..."Nope..I don't care about the past. Let's do our level best to fix this," he replied.

Yup...yup...that's why he's Numero Uno and I'm Numero 625!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A dedication to my loved one

Whoever invented the phrase "and they lived happily ever after" must have been on crack or something...and you see bumper stickers saying "Happiness is single"..

A marriage is one of the strongest bonds that we could have but when we enter into a marriage we put ourselves to be at risk of being vulnerable...Marriage is just the beginning..marriage is hard work..

We wish for a soulmate..spending the rest of our lives with someone who is utterly in love with us and understands us like no one else could...We hope in time, the closeness will get us through joy and sadness.. in an IDEAL situation we would want the bond to get stronger everyday so that together we can weather any storm..but hmmm.. to get to the ideal situation is not easy huh?

I thought of saving this poem that I wrote (haha! I wish) for my coming wedding anniversary..but why wait for an occassion to celebrate love and remember the commitments that we have made to each other..

I find the poem to be very true and meaningful.. I hope to live and celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary together with my loved one..whoever that may be..hehe..takdela... with you .. with you..

Here's to you nyet.. and to the rest of you hardworking married couples out there! :)

Pernikahan atau perkahwinan
menyingkap tabir rahsia
Isteri yang kamu nikahi
tidaklah semulia Khadijah
tidaklah setaqwa Aisyah
pun tidak setabah Fatimah
Justeru isterimu hanyalah wanita akhir zaman
yang punya cita-cita
menjadi solehah...
Pernikahan atau perkahwinan
mengajar kita kewajiban bersama
Isteri menjadi tanah kamu langit penaungnya
Isteri ladang tanaman kamu pemagarnya
Isteri kiasan ternakan kamu gembalanya
Isteri adalah murid kamu mursyidnya
Isteri bagaikan anak kecil kamu tempat bermanjanya
Saat isteri menjadi madu kamu teguklah sepuasnya
seketika isteri menjadi racun kamulah penawar bisanya
seandainya isteri tulang yang bengkok berhatilah meluruskannya...
Pernikahan atau perkawinan
menginsafkan kita perlunya iman dan taqwa
Untuk belajar meniti sabar dan redha Allah SWT.
kerana memiliki isteri yang tak sehebat mana
justeru kamu akan tersentak dari alpa
kamu bukanlah Rasulullah SAW
pun bukanlah Sayyidina Ali Karamallahhuwajhah
cuma suami akhir zaman
yang berusaha menjadi soleh... amin...


Pernikahan atau perkahwinan
membuka tabir rahsia
Suami yang menikahi kamu
tidaklah semulia Muhammad SAW
tidaklah setaqwa Ibrahim
pun tidak setabah Ayyub
atau pun segagah Musa
apalagi setampan Yusuf
Justeru suamimu hanyalah lelaki akhir zaman
yang punya cita-cita
membangun keturunan yang soleh...
Pernikahan atau perkahwinan
mengajar kita kewajiban bersama
Suami menjadi pelindung kamu penghuninya
suami adalah nahkoda kapal kamu navigatornya
suami bagaikan balita yang nakal kamu adalah penuntun kenakalannya
saat suami menjadi raja kamu nikmati anggur singgahsananya
seketika suami menjadi bisa kamulah penawar ubatnya
seandainya suami masinis yang lancang sabarlah memperingatkannya...
Pernikahan ataupun perkahwinan
mengajarkan kita perlunya iman dan taqwa
Untuk belajar meniti sabar dan redha Allah SWT kerana memiliki suami yang tak segagah mana
justeru kamu akan tersentak dari alpa
kamu bukanlah Khadijah yang begitu sempurna di dalam menjaga
pun bukanlah Hajar yang begitu setia dalam sengsara
cuma wanita akhir zaman
yang berusaha menjadi solehah... amin...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pause to reflect...

A particular event had made me pause to reflect.

It is better to sit alone than to be in the company of the bad; and it is better to sit with the good than to be alone and it is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent and silence is better than bad words.

So I chose to be in silence and reflect.

I am embarrased that sometimes it is when I face the adversities in life that I would seek the help from God to give me guidance. But better God than the devil (of course!). All humans beings, be it a king or a leader, face helplessness in certain situations, where the only remedy then becomes prayer...and I am just no different.

As what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, if we turn to Allah He will turn to us. If we approach Allah by a hand’s span, He approaches us by an arm’s length, and if we go towards Him walking, He rushes towards us.

I was mentally,emotionally and physically exhausted. And so I told God my side of the story (not that He doesn't know already.. ;))..I hope He understands.

The things that we face/do, change from time to time..not immediately but gradually..there are times these changes would be subtle in nature and we may not even realize them.. but when we do, we would pause and take new directions/course of actions.

God has directed us towards a guiding principle in the Holy Quran: “It may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you like a thing while it is bad for you. Allah knows and you know not. (2:217)”

What I have learnt from my so called reflection is I may not agree with certain things. Anger is definitely not my cup of tea. I just don't think it's necessary. I grew up with more love than anger. But just because it is not my thing, does not mean that anyone else should be the same. That I should understand.

Because we are all different, I should not have such a high expectation. I should not become needlessly persistent to carry on with a certain decision / activity because my knowledge is limited, whereas God knows best when and how and where a certain decision / activity needs to be carried out. Surrendering to His Will and seeking His Help through supplication is the best way. Hence the term Insya-Allah/God-Willing... Because when God does not Will, then all efforts and intense desires for a certain cause will just be in vain.

Yeah..my knowledge is very much limited. I'm still learning the art of winning by surrendering...the beauty of forgiving..to be fearless of making sacrifices... to love without expecting anything in return.. to manipulate sadness to experience happiness and I'm sure many more other things until my last breath.

Life is short. I could trip, hit my head on the floor and die in 5 seconds. By then it would be too late for regrets, betul tak?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Prospect...

It was my first ever cigarrette session with Numero Uno.. not that I smoke.. but just like in the Italian Mafia movies, if you are summoned to see Numero Uno to discuss business over a cup of coffee, a curut or sebatang rokok, that would be something right.. People would kill for this kind of opportunity.. I was surprised..Certainly not ready.. Became a nervous wreck..I was just scared shit... not wanting to say anything stupid..cracked my brains to give some smart answers that will keep me in the good books of Numero Uno..

So over the puffs of smoke (imagine the smoke effect here).. Numero Uno shared some thoughts.. asked for my opinion..yes, I stuttered like an idiot in the beginning.. that's just me... :p I have to thank his special assistant for doing some sign languages behind Numero Uno to help me out.. but overall I did okay I think.. I came out alive with my soul still very much intact..

Of course I am excited at THE PROSPECT ! I don't know how I could have controlled the look on my face when I was asked to comment on THE PROSPECT..I hope my excitement was not too obvious.. I hope I looked cool i.e like yeah I think it's a pretty good set up but not that I really want the position kind of look...

Really I don't want to have my hopes up high.. if it ever happens, then it would be exciting yet crazy like hard core madness type of crazy..again it's still very much A PROSPECT! I should not even be blogging about it yet..but I can't share it with anyone in the office either..It's not even news material.. Nothing is confirmed...Tak jadi kang..Siapa yang malu?Mereka dan keluarga mereka... Numero Uno even reminded me that I should not hold his words against him if it turns out otherwise..

Hmmm...even if it happens would I be ready for the challenge? If I screw up, Numero Uno will put some bullets in my head man..literally...
THAT would be a scary prospect...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Phenomenal Woman

Actually for some reasons, I'm in no mood to socialise..to blog..to FB..but I got this message today in my FB from a lady named Reyna Rajan and it kinda cheered me up..

i really liked your blog "to err is human..." u successfully highlighted a heavy subject matter in such a light hearted manner :o) kuddos to that! that piece i could definitely relate with, and needed to read at this point in time actually...so thank u and keep writing......p/s maya angelou "phenomenal woman"....its a good poem, thought u might enjoy . cheers

Here's the poem..just thought of sharing it with all the women out there..

Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.

I say,It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.

Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.

I say,It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.

I say,It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Thanks Reyna for sharing this beautiful poem..I wish I could be as phenomenal..I'm but a humble being who has to show what she's worth yet sometimes is just too tired to try, and surrender to the challenges that I face in life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sex 101

Someone put up this note in his facebook. Can't resist having it in my blog because the way it's written is freaking hillarious!

Note: This is 18sx sex education material and takde kena mengena dengan yang hidup/mati... I swear!

Sedozen Kesilapan Suami Ketika Di Ranjang

1. TIDAK BERCUMBU TERLEBIH DULU Menurut kajiselidik, 79% dari lelaki Malaysia suka seks spontan ( gaya koboi atau seks ekspres). Isteri berharap agar suami mencumbu bibirnya terlebih dulu, bukan tempat lain. Ambil masa untuk bercumbu dengan secukupnya.

2. PENIUP TELINGA YANG TERLAMPAU Sepatutnya tiup secara perlahan-lahan. Itu akan mampu membangkitkan rasa berahi. Jangan lakukan seperti meniup lilin harijadi kerana itu akan menyakitkan telinganya.

3. TIDAK BERCUKUR Muka lelaki yang tidak bercukur dirasa seperti duri landak oleh isterinya,apatah lagi selepas itu mukanya akan merayap pula ke serata tubuh hingga ke peha. Janganlah rasa seronok melihat isteri memusingkan kepalanya ke kiri atau kanan, itu bukan kerana ghairah tapi untuk mengelakkan kulit mukanya yang halus itu dari dicucuk duri landak.

4. MEMICIT PAYUDARA Ramai lelaki memperlakukan isterinya seperti surirumah menggunakan kedua-dua tangannya memicit tembikai untuk tahu sama ada ia sudah masak atau tidak. Apa yang patut dilakukan ialah mengurut lembut, membelai dan mengusap.

5. MENGGIGIT PUTING PAYUDARA Puting payudara adalah sensitif dan tidak harus diperlakukan seperti mahu meniup pelampung. Jangan dikunyah seperti makan chewing gum. Yang patut dilakukan ialah jilat serta sedut, atau sentuh dengan hujung lidah.

6. JANGAN CARI STESEN RADIO Jangan cari stesen radio menggunakan puting payudara isteri kerana itu akan menyakitkannya. Usah fokus pada puting saja tapi seharusnya pada seluruh payudara.

7. ELAKKAN DARI TERUS MENGEBOM Isteri anda bukan tiga anggota saja (dua bukit satu gua). Seluruh anggota tubuhnya dari rambut ke kaki perlukan belaian anda. Jangan terus pergi mengebom tiga anggota saja.

8. GELOJOH SANGAT Tunggu hingga isteri bersedia dan membuka pakaiannya. Jangan terburu-buru dan gelojoh hingga tangan anda tersepit di pakaian dalam isteri anda.

9. BUKAN TONG SAMPAH Jika anda pakai kondom, ianya bukan hadiah untuk isteri anda. Membuang kondom adalah tanggungjawab suami.

10. JANGAN JADI SHARP SHOOTER----- --- isteri bukan untuk diserang secara 'direct', yang patut dilakukan ialah mengurut-urut dengan jari di sepanjang tepinya saja.

11. MANA ADA TEA-TIME Jangan sekali-kali berehat pula bila anda melakukan istimta' (foreplay), tubuh isteri perlu sentiasa disentuh agar berahinya tidak turun mendadak.Teruskan rangsangan anda.

12. JANGAN JADI INCREDIBLE HULK Bila membuka pakaian isteri, bukalah dengan kemas sebagaimana anda membuka hadiah yang bernilai.

Apparently this was taken from the kursus perkahwinan by Jawi. Can you believe it? I don't quite remember my kursus perkahwinan being this 'interesting'. I wish I could tag Zett using blogspot since she has just recently completed her 'k' tutorial. ;)
Oh, by the way.......


someone who still wishes for flowers and chocolates.. :p

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Band of Sisters..

So, all 5 of us finally got together for our 'Tai Tai Like' session. It would usually be just 4 of us but this time it was special because Jay who came back from the US had joined us. What is a Tai Tai u ask?

1. A term used in Chinese circles for supreme wife (implying situation where a man is wealthy enough to have several "wives') but no longer strictly interpreted. Term now applies to citizens of the world with an Asian viewpoint who have bounds of time and money. A Tai Tai is a privileged lady of means.

{Note: Over our dead bodies will our husbands be able to have SEVERAL WIVES!!!!} ..

2. Supreme of the Supreme is its literal translation. The term implies respect. To qualify as a Tai Tai, one has to have lots of leisure time, lots of money to spend and lots of gossip to exchange. A Tai Tai would win if Shopping were an Olympic event.

{Note: Apart from the gossips, we can only desire and inspire to have the luxury of the above

HENCE: 'Tai Tai LIKE' session... hehe

Our 'Tai Tai like' session was supposed to start with b'fast, then spa, then makan, then jalan2, then makan again. But I missed both breakfast and spa session because something happened at home. I joined them from lunchtime onwards and had fun nonetheless.

Okay, in the honour of Sho-on finally updating her blog after 3 months, I'm not going to blog about our 'Tai Tai like' session.. instead you all can read about it here : Laugh All We Can...

But I do want to say this..

Gals..I'm glad that I have all of you as my closest friends..

You guys are never judgemental. To me, this is the kind of freedom that we can enjoy only with true friends. It is nothing short of a blessing, because with other people we have to control macho since our actions and behavior are always being judged. That gives pressure and takes away lot of pleasure from our life.

I love sharing my sorrow and happiness with all of you. During our times of trouble, we come forward to give encouragement and hope---never a negative advice! Together we've cried many tears..especially with Ija.. hehe.. as well as smile together for all the blessings and happiness.

And I'm thankful that after close to 13 years we are now like sisters and the bond that we have gets even stronger each and every single day of our lives.
We are soldiers in our own ways..we fight different battles everyday..but we are the same in our hearts and mind..

Happy Belated Friendship Day! Here's to back then..

Now... (gambar kena tunggu.. courtesy of Ija)


"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere."-Tim McGraw

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My first Sarawak Laksa

This entry has been sitting in my draft box for quite some time as I was waiting for someone to supply the pics..since the pics never came despite me wanting to give some free publicity and rave reviews about her cooking skills, terpaksalah mencilok gambar after that someone blogged about it.. :)

I had a taste of my first Sarawak Laksa @ Zett's place when we had Fida's so-called surprise b'day party last month... (my Clarks shoes almost spoilt the surprise..Fida, kalo aku datang pakai kasut Bata ke sure lagi hancus kan..) And when I say @ Zett's place that would mean Zett woke up early that morning, walked all the way to the nearest pasar and did all the cooking. We only have to come and makan.. :)

This is the infamous Dexter who also has his own blog.. I should have brought Amir.. he would have loved playing with Dexter.. I am impressed with this cat..I mean..look at that..boley buat muka cool lagi lepak sebelah the shredded (is this the right cooking term?) chicken.. and I'm also amazed that he's still alive (not that I want him to be otherwise) despite sliding door tu terbukak and he could just jump off the balcony anytime..

Look at the kuah...it looked superyummy and pekat ..so kalau ada orang kata tak sedap at least gaya tu dah adalah...

The birthday gal who was the oldest among us all (not counting Kelv)... :)

Check out the happy faces after a taste of the Sarawak Laksa..but I think the happiest was the one taking the picture..he had emmm...4 helpings of the Laksa, me thinks...
It was my first time to Zett's place and first taste of Zett's cooking..
Overall verdict:
Of the residence:
Very niceeee...damn..I forgot to try the swing despite Fida's reminder to check it out...
Of the hostess cum organizer:
You will most definitely be a good homemaker.. boley decorate & kemas rumah..boley masak..better ask for good hantaran okay!
Of the Sarawak laksa:
Honestly, i love Laksas..but I never tried Sarawak laksa before because somehow it is the only laksa which never got my interest..that was until I saw the pics in zett's blog... nasib baik the laksa was yummy okay...if not sure lepas tu tobat takmo makan Sarawak laksa... hmmm.. I can still remember the taste..
Yummy..yummy..I love spicy stuff..maybe if zett had made the sambal lagi yummy kot...seriously wanted to have a 2nd helping..tapi sebab asyik pikir nak balik cepat sampai boley lupa..should have buat muka tak malu and tapau... hehe...
So until I try someone else's Sarawak Laksa this will remain as my first and #1 Sarawak Laksa.. ;)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

From little sweetheart to little hero...

How time flies..

My little sweetheart is not so little anymore…

I still remember..

The 3 of us..emm..you were busy kicking me, doing push ups and flexing your muscles.. mama's first and probably last delivery without epidural!!! You gave me a hard time!!

We welcome you to the world..for some reasons, you did not cry..not like other babies..you looked exactly like Tok Ne..she would have been really proud and happy..

Mama's proud moment..babah, is that you? sian yayah kan takde gambar camni.. ;)

And now you are already TWO!!! On top of that already a big brother to a very naughty li'l sista!

Happy Birthday, Tengku Adam Faramir!

You are such a blessing..I can't imagine a life without you...tsk..tsk..sebak lak...seriously, you are not Ultraman okay.. but you will always be our little hero..Babah and Mama love you to bits! Don't grow up too fast,ok!