Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nestum Butter Prawn for sahur anyone?

Experimented for the 2nd time... had this for sahur today.

Think it tasted much better than the last one and did justice to Sally's recipe.

But am still wondering how in the world nestum butter prawn kat kedai2 could be so crunchy and well rupa dia tak camni la...

I should add that tepung jagung/tepung beras kot.. gotta check with Sally and do the 3rd experiment...maybe not in the near future though.

This cooking for sahur stint..think I am not that bad lah... :)


  1. wah rajinnye cook for sahur! i only reheat the lauk/leftovers from berbuka :)

  2. selagi larat boleh la... :) though kalau boleh tido lama sket, memang lagi best... hehehe
