Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Nestum Butter Prawn for sahur anyone?
Experimented for the 2nd time... had this for sahur today.
Think it tasted much better than the last one and did justice to Sally's recipe.
But am still wondering how in the world nestum butter prawn kat kedai2 could be so crunchy and well rupa dia tak camni la...
I should add that tepung jagung/tepung beras kot.. gotta check with Sally and do the 3rd experiment...maybe not in the near future though.
This cooking for sahur stint..think I am not that bad lah... :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Soul mates - Is there one for everyone?
My view below was published in NST last weekend.
For a woman, fulfillment of the soul sets in when she finds someone whom she would have an emotional feeling of deep connection, friendship and compatibility. If companionship is what she's truly looking for, then the possibility of her brains being muddied by physical attraction would be less likely. Physical attraction could be the starting point. But developing that connection would be a different ball game altogether.
If there is a soul mate for every one of us, then they could cross our path when we're 10 or 70 years old. So we should all be prepared for a lovely surprise. But for those who don't like surprises, maybe the best is to quit looking for a soul mate. Instead, look for a partner who is willing to do the hard work of staying in love once the thrill of believing you found your one and only is a faint memory.
On the same note, I am currently 're-reading' Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and found this quote about soul mates to be pretty interesting:
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. That's too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave."
Very recently, I have indeed found my 'sole mate'.. hehe..Bought these from Zett and totally loving em! :) My first pair of Pied A Terre... could have gotten my first pair of Jimmy Choo's (at half the price that's why rela nak consider..) if I had Cinderella's feet instead of the stepsister's.. ;p
So... if 'soul mates' are just like 'sole mates', would there be one soul mate or many soul mates that would cross our path?
..... Pause to reflect... bout the topic AND the sandals... hehe..
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
At the crossroads
Too early to be here?
Been asking myself like where would be the final destination that would give me the fulfillment? What is the future that I am longing for? How am I going to get there?
It could be because things have been very much routine. Not that routine is a bad thing. But there comes a time when routine could be dramatically changed by fate.
Hence when I think that I could be at a dead end, I now find myself to have actually reached a crossroads = a place for transformational points in my life, and relate to time and choices + a place to go unblock my path.
But here I am.
Which route would it be?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Futsal Camaraderie!
Strategizing for next year?
Konon ganas la tu...siap ada calit2... the only scary thing about us was how we played! hehe