I guess as we get older err.. I mean wiser.. ;) our Hari Raya fiesta spirit would be more for the joy of having a long break.. but for the kiddies, it is something that they really look forward to.. Amir aka Memey (bukan Memey Suhaiza ye) who could now understand the meaning of raya, baju Melayu, songkok and duit raya was all excited and eager. And just like when we were kids who would stay up as late as we could on the eve of raya, both Amir and Sarah slept at almost 3 am that night.
We celebrated the first day of raya in Kajang. Since both my mum and dad are the eldest in the family, visits from relatives were like non stop from 10am - 11pm. Average number of pax per visit was like 30 pax! So we had no choice but to downgrade from pinggan kaca to pinggan plastik..hehe
For those who came on the first day, they were the lucky ones who got to taste my mum's infamous Rendang Mak Kasim -- this you won't be able to get anywhere else I swear! I have relatives who would come to visit on the first day for the sake of the rendang.. hehe.. Unfortuntely for the past 2 years, my mom or even myself have not had the time to bake my mum's infamous chocolate chip cookies but I plan to at least try and bake em' if we have an open house this year.
On the 2nd raya we all headed on to kuantan..on the way to kuantan we decided to stop by at koklie's inlaw's house in kg belimbing to see her and her syawal baby girl..just like last year Memey refused to wear anything else but a baju melayu to show his tok tan tapi sadly, macam tahun lepas gak amir puked all over his baju,my one and only branded handbag and in hubby's beloved car..we thought that was end the of it but Sarah joined in the puke fiesta when we almost reached the kg.
We were in Kuantan for 4 days and I stuffed myself with nasik minyak throughout..somehow nasik minyak seemed to be the favourite menu this year.. I ditched all my diet plan for the whole week..so, this week kena krash kozz diet lar konon..but I've so far failed miserably sebab ada je companies ajak gi their open house.. huhu..
All in all I think the kids really enjoyed their raya...especially bab dapat main ngan cousins sampai kul 2 pagi..They were also overjoyed when decided to stay at a hotel in KL that weekend sebab dapat mandi dalam swimming pool and bath tub.. I just could not tahan the constant bickering and 24-7 sumo wrestling.. adik belasah abang kat muka plak tu so amir had damn a lot of scratches on his face.. sian je beraya dengan muka macam kucing comot!
Hope you guys had a fun raya too!

Mak Cik Temah ngan Pak Maun

This is how far she could go to irritate the brother. Ni belum part dia gaduh nak pakai baju ultraman abang dia lagi.