Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holiday vs 'Holiday'

My parents are off with my sister for a holiday in Australia for almost 2 weeks...holidays like this would be the one time that my parents can 'cuti' from taking care of 7 kids on a daily routine....they love holidays but usually will go with a heavy heart leaving behind their grandkids...

So for 2 weeks, me and my brother will have to take leave and make arrangements to take care of the 6 kids (1 kid got lucky and is enjoying herself in Australia) as well as the house...

My father gave us his amanat, nicely written for each of us and also a copy placed on the fridge:

1. Hidupkan enjin kereta2 (panaskan enjin) 1-2 hari sekali.

2. Bagi kucing makan/minum (pagi dan petang).

3. Tutup/kunci tingkap/pintu/gate waktu keluar. Malam tutup langsir.

4. Pasang alarm.

5. Siram pokok bunga. Bunga orkid tiap2 hari pagi atau petang. Bunga lain 2 hari sekali. (jika hari tidak hujan)

6. Pasang lampu luar waktu malam dan tutup waktu pagi.

7. Vitagen & milo dekat dalam fridge belakang.

8. Biskut and Coco Crunch dalam almari.

I hope my parents are having a blast coz I'm sure my 'holiday' at home with the 6 kiddies will be a thrilling experience! ;)


  1. may i have tthe vitagen in the "fridge belakang", please?
    mine's running out! ;p

  2. mindblogger peminat coffee tegar? ada satu coffee yang termahal didunia, namanya kopi luwak atau civet coffee..saya tak pernah try tapi diorang kata kopi ni kurang pahit, very aromatic, incredibly full bodied, almost syrupy. It's thick with a hint of chocolate and lingers on the tounge with a long clean aftertaste. There is also a nutty and earthy flavour in it. Masa Jiji pergi Sumatera, Jiji ada try tak kopi ni? Apa kata kalau Jiji cari mana nak dapat kopi ni dan bagitau kat kita orang? Sure starbuck takde jual punye..kalau jual sure lebih seratus ringgit beb! Orang kata istana di england minum kopi jenis ni..
