View of Medan from the room..
Arrived in Medan at about 9.00am today. Was in awe with the hotel. It's damn bloody nice! Room is superb. Too bad only 2 nights here and most of our time would of course be spent in the conference room. But I would really want to have a good sleep tonite.. that is if I'm not hyperventilating!
I'm soooo nervous for the presentation. We slogged again tonight...And had like 2 rounds of rehearsals. But we finished earlier than the nights in Aceh. We've decided to have 1 emcee and 4 presenters tomorrow. Since the majority that would turn up tomorrow would be Indonesians, we will have 2 English presenters and 2 Bahasa presenters. I've been asked to present the Community section in Bahasa. Time rehearsals pun rasa cam nak terkucil.. besok depan 80 orang tak tau la camna.. but I told myself.. hmmm those speaking English obviously won't understand what I say and those who speaks Indonesian would probably just be confused with what I say... so, what the heck! Present je lah! It would be over in 10 mins.
I pray that the conference would go well.. the U*DP rep did dot seem too pleased with the materials that we've done.. kept on stressing about training to the farmers may not be funded etc etc.. hmm... we're still going ahead with the Business Plan anyway... mainly because we have received pretty good response from 2 big chocolate exporters i.e Armajaro and Olam. And the Heads of these 2 organizations will be at the conference tomorrow.
We also have with us for the past 3 days, a rep from a Swiss Choc Company who is also said to be the son/kaum kerabat from the Porsche family. He's been giving us feedback on the materials and our presentations. Pak Hamzah, the trader King has been giving us good feedback too. He is apparently driving from Pidie to Medan (8 hrs journey) to attend the conference tomorrow.
So, I guess we're all set to go. Power to the farmers of Aceh!
I already have butterflies in my tummy. Can't wait for this to end. Just chill. Sleep. Shop. And then go back to kiss and hug the 2 kiddies! :)
Good luck. So you gonna hug the 2 kiddies... only ??? How bout Mr Mama? ahaks!