Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bringing out the Bree in me

Been dying to update blog! But I've been busy at work and at home..not to mention lack of sleep coz at the new house, for reasons I dunno, the kiddies would only sleep like 1-2am everyday!

But since moving to the new house, though tired, I somehow have this spirit to cook. I mean, I'd like to cook la for dinner and all. Though a lot of people have been telling me that it's just impossible to cook on a working day - save it for the weekend. Tapi cam suka plak nak try main masak2... hehe..

The first meal that I tried to cook for dinner was Fetuccine Alfredo which only Memey and me could eat.. my hubby called it Fetuccine Astaghfirullahhalazim.... Looking at his face when eating almost made me swear to never ever cook again till eternity!

I told Sally about the incident and dia lak tak puas hati because I kept on saying that I don't think I could ever cook... she was determined to make sure that I could at least cook a decent meal and gave me some really cool recipes...most importantly all were like very easy to do!

I tried cooking the Nestum Butter Prawn --- I could eat it and hubby had like 5 pieces of the prawn though after that he said the prawn takdela sedap sgt... gotta agree with him..I think kuali was too panas and I put too much butter... lepas tu mende yang takde dalam recipe pun gatal pegi tambah so last2 tak rasa sgt the nestum... but Amir really liked the fried rice..had 3 servings of sure if I practice a bit more, my nestum butter prawn can be improved.

Sally pesan, jgn lupa buang misai udang...pakai gunting je.. when doing that I wondered like nak gunting byk mana...last2 I almost buang the whole kepala...most of the udang takde mata.. :p
did'nt even know that I should also buang the taik kat badan tu until hubby pointed it out to me... yeah...I'm that bad...

Nestum butter prawn.. tapi nampak cam sambal udang plak..I think my biggest mistake was to add the '*aggi Cukup Rasa' tu... not in sally's recipe tapi gatal gi tambah sebab dah cuak tengok nestum tu jadi kaler brown sgt (sebab kuali panas sgt kot)...


Then I tried my hand at Western food... I was all over the place preparing this coz it was already about 7.45pm when I wanted to start my 'experiment' kalau tak jadi sume org kena makan nuggets ngan fries je lah... dahlah kat umah tu takde lesung...ketuk and lenyek pakai whatever that I could find.. :) BUT in the end the Western meal especially the mashed potato turned out to be superyummy!

Siap print recipe..Sally rajin gile..her recipe came with pictures of how it should look like for each and every step..

Teka mana satu alat melenyek potato?

Whoallaahhh! Mashed potato sedap giler tahap gaban okay!

Asked hubby what he thought of it coz I thought I deserved an A+... he said oklah... OK je, I said? Takde puji2 ke? Then he said dia puji dlm hati je.. so I guess that's a compliment?

I guess I may not have brought out the Bree in me (yet!)... but at least I no longer have that Susan in me!


  1. Jiji, aku mula2 kahwin dulu selalu kena tegur pasal masak tak sedap. Sampai aku kata kat laki aku.. masak la sendiri. Muahahah. But then, I'm so positive gak la. Accept all the "Astagfirullah hal azim..". Kannn... Tu aku kira terror masak tuh. (konon) Tapi tak memenuhi piawaian laki ku gitu. Lama2 ok.. practise makes perfect gitu. Cuma now aku tak pandai buat kek lg. Actually boleh kot tapi rumah takde oven. Hehhehe.. alasan.
    Good luck Jiji.. as long as ko bersemangat nak masak.. lama2 OK punya!!!!

  2. yeah.. I hope so.. tinggal ngan bebudak ni kadang2 tu cam takde time nak practice pun...

  3. Soh je chik masak nasi goreng die terer masak dulu wooo rindu nasi goreng pedas die hehehe

  4. uit..tak pernah tau pun and tak pernah meng'offer' diri... so far yang dia da masak murtabak frozen... so tak aci ler...hehe

  5. jijie,

    since u said the mashed potato is nice and since i tgh lapar tahap gaban..share the recipe pls...sedapnya...

  6. haha..Ainun..must give u the recipe..with u preggy and all, kang kempunan pulak...
    For a small family like mine I use 3 bijik kentang..
    Rebus the potato..kupas kulit dulu...bila the potato dah empuk,lenyek-lenyekkan (kalau nak senang pakai lesung)..pastu put in like quarter of butter in the periuk,potato yang dah kena lenyek and milk..stir..and don't be scared if at first u see the potato like really lembik...sebab sambil u kacau2 tu nanti lama2 dia jadi keras sikit...bila potato tu macam tak lembik sangat and tak keras sangat, tu kira dah jadi ler tu.... easy huh? try it ok!

  7. Jijie, I pun lebey kurang jek kalau bab memasak nih.... Lagi pulak duduk bertiga jek ngan hubby and my mom, so banyak makan kat luar.

    Btw, susu yang letak kat mashed potato tuh tak kisah ker susu pape pun? Fresh milk? Powder? Susu dalam kotak?


  8. sori jannat..lambat reply..keje bertimbun..anyway, susu tu boleh pakai fresh milk dlm kotak tu..tak yang banyak pun...secukup rasa aje... :)

  9. wah! u can cook now Jij!
    how many decades haven't i seen you?

    note to self: MUST blaja masak from Jij!

  10. owh, btw Jij... just FYI... my word for verification today was OSIALL!!

    how apt! ;p

  11. zett: yeah.. took me decades to finally be able to cook something that could at least be eaten by human..
    my specialty - telur masak dadar, mashed potato, roast chicken and I'm improving my nasik goreng kampung + tomyam...
