Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dr House I need you..

Of late I have been sick..physically challenged because my body aches all over.. I guess this is the post delivery body ache yang tak habis lagi maybe because I did not pantang properly.. during pantang I was doing all sorts of things..I was already going up and down the stairs the first week..carried my son around the house..went to pay Citibank credit card at week 2.. tak ada pulak rasa sakit..but now there are days when I’m almost limping sebab my thighs would hurt when I walk..I don’t understand why.. I’m sure kalau dapat jumpa House he would be able to find the cure.. so because of this I’ve been postponing my ‘desire’ (cheh..macam ye2 je) to start going to the gym again.. the sales guy from TF has given up calling me and trying to entice me to check out the latest promos..the last he called he actually said that the joining fee will naik because minyak pun dah naik… duhhhh… related ker? Itu standard line that I’ve been getting from supplier corp gift and caterer..Anyway, I guess no gym for me until I truly recover.. as it is chasing my son around the house and carrying my 5.6kg baby girl would be a good enough exercise routine for me! :p

Friday, June 27, 2008

I am a blogger!yeay!

Why have I started blogging? I know.. very the ketinggalan zaman already.. the truth is I’ve started blogging for quite some time.. IN MY HEAD.. seriously! I could go on and on and on about a particular thing in my head.. so I thought okay.. why not try proper blogging instead of just doing it spiritually.. after all, I don’t have the moolahs to see a shrink and writing / reading is supposed to be therapeutic.. a stress reliever.. but please jgn lah expect saya mengupdate everyday..blogging in the office is a no-no.. firewall very good one.. no friendster, facebook, blogs, gmail, yahoo, etc.. and also don’t expect any extraordinary stories lah coz I don’t brush shoulders with any celebs nor do I belong to the happening crowd who hangs out at Jalan Dorai every weekend..

Anyway, here goes lah….